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It has been a week since I turned eighteen, and I've finally gotten used to all the large animals in my small apartment. I was preparing to head out with my best friend Ze, so my usual outdoor companions rushed over. The black king cobra slithered up my arm when I held out my hand to him, curling around my neck as I picked up the black cat rubbing against my feet. Next I clipped on a leash to my german shepard companion and a matching one to my white wolf companion's collars. I rubbed the head of the other three and slid on my sun glasses as the cat stood on my shoulder like a parrot. I locked the door behind me and walked down my apartment hall in my overdose galaxy sweater, black leather jeans, and combat boots. My red hair was pulled into a pony tail as my blue eyes looked down at the snake who was slightly hissing at me to gain my attention.

"Aww is King feeling neglected?? Dont worry you danger noodle!" I smiled, gently rubbing the dangerous snake's head as I clipped the other ends of the leashes to my belt.

"Skateboard or walking?" I questioned aloud. The cat who I named Lizzie immediately pawing my right ear, the signal I taught her for skateboard. I smiled and headed to the front desk. I waved at the nice old man behind the desk, he was adjusting his glasses before noticing me.

"I still have no idea how you will deal with all those soul mates!" The man laughed.

"Patience Stan, patience!" I smiled, grabbing my skateboard I headed outside and easily slid onto the board. Whistling softly WS and Tony Stark's companion Choco began sprinting. Yeah I know I'm soulmates to Tony, he wouldn't shut up about the dog when he had it I mean cmon!! Choco began growling and King gave a hiss in the same direction Choco growled, WS turning their head and letting out a happy bark. My attention shifted over and I sighed when I saw Ze and her soulmate Steve...... Well I saw Steve, Ze was koala hugging his back. Steve gave me a polite smile and looked at WS.

"Know what, my best friend Bucky has a white wolf back in the forties. it disappeared in hydra and we haven't found I tho." Steven chuckled, watching WS walk beside him. I sighed and looked at Ze, glaring at her slightly. Then I pulled Choco away from Steve's soul animal named Goldie, they've always hated each other. Its annoying.

"Zeeeeee I need to get some stuff for Lizzie and I need your help!" I groaned, feeling Lizzie move in response to her name being called. Suddenly Choco and WS stopped, making my fall forward. On instinct I yelped and pulled Lizzie to my chest and King's head to the same area. My shoulder hit the stone and I groaned softly, feeling two large fluffy bodies stand over me in a protective matter and two low growls rumble around me. I opened my eyes and pushed Choco away to see a red head woman looking at me curiously.

"Damn okay off you two! I need to get home to check out my shoulder..... Bye Ze!! You be good to her Steve or you'll go back in the ice. And you wont get back out!" I hissed, watching him give a terrified nod. I smiled at a very sleepy Ze, glancing down at Steve's jacket that almost entirely covered her. I smirked and grabbed my board, having some trouble to pull the two canines away. I looked up at the red headed woman and smiled.

"Sorry if they startled you, they get protective of you. Have a good day Ma'am." I grinned, jogging forward I tossed my board down and hopped onto it as I whistled and WS and Choco sprinted off. My leg and shoulder gave a dull throb as King and Lizzie took their spots, giving me a soft nuzzle each. I smiled and rubbed my eyes tiredly and yawned.

"I need coffee..... And to exercise Raven, and Honey, aaaaand Ash. Ugh." I groaned, see my apartment come into view. I kicked my board up as I neared the stairs, passing by Stan I headed to my door. I quickly unlocked it and sent in Choco, WS, and Lizzie. Raven the lioness. Honey the wolf, and Ash the honey badger ran over. I smiled and tossed in my board, rubbing King's head as I closed the door and locked it. I picked up Ash and he clung to my back instantly as I rubbed my shoulder. I walked back out and went to central park, sending the three of as I sat with King and the two of us fell asleep.

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