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I felt that something was wrong. And when they returned with Robin I knew my thoughts and dreads were confirmed.

"Where. Is. She?" I seethed thru my teeth, not even Steve could calm me down.

"She went with a woman who had green eyes and black hair. She had a scar on her right eye like a claw mark..." Bucky replied, having seen Steve's angry dad look. My anger and fear immediately exploded.

"YOU LET HER LEAVE WITH HER MOTHER?! THE EMBODIMENT OF A PERIOD AND SATAN COMBINED?" I roared. I physically saw them all flinch in fear. I rubbed my head and hissed softly.

"What did you imbeciles say to make her go?" I snapped.

"I may have called her worthless and garbage..." Natasha said, wincing slightly.

"And we may have all agreed with her.." Tony mumbled, rubbing his neck in sadness. My anger sky rocketed and I back handed each of them before standing beside Steve again.

"I am disappointed in ALL of you. She has been thru so much and yet..... YOU THROW HER AWAY LIKE TRASH!" I roared, giving a terrifying glare as I turned towards Robin. I rubbed the sad big cat's head as Steve began scolding them all.

"She'll be getting her memory wiped by now. Or tortured. We need to find her soon." I sighed, standing up and walking out with Caramel and Robin following swiftly after me.

"I need my sister back." I murmured when Steve caught up to me. I felt him pull me into his chest, by instinct I wrapped my legs around him. Tears dripped down my face as I sniffed softly.

"We'll get her back. Don't worry doll..." Steve sighed, kissing me on my head. I wiped the tears and wormed out of his grip, quickly leaving to hunt down my sister from that demon.

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