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I opened my eyes and looked around. Why am I in a bed? When did I fall asleep? 

THE FUCK IS HAPPENED? (yes, I meant this line)

I grunted softly and pushed myself up in the bed, looking down I sighed when I saw I was in an over-sized hoodie from my university. I smiled softly and brushed out some wrinkles in the Yale colored clothing, standing up I went to my wheel chair and sat down. My chest once again burned from the action but I ignored it and wheeled myself out into the hall. I knew my hair was a mess and I likely looked like trash but I'm comfortable.

I hummed softly as I looked in the kitchen, seeing no one there I wheeled myself in. I really need to make this damn thing automated. Anyway I grabbed some cheerios and a bowl, pouring it in I put the cereal back and grabbed a spoon. I placed the bowl in my lap and took a spoonful of the dry noms and placed it in my mouth before pushing myself out of the kitchen and towards the elevator. I knew what floor I was on so I had FRIDAY send me down a floor to my lab, which I immediately went to. I left the door open and set the bowl on one of my tables, standing up I kept myself still to get used to the pain. I grabbed a broom and slowly began sweeping up the sad from the bag, pressing a button after I was done my newest art piece slid out from below the table. 

"Romanoff, nice to see you out and about

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"Romanoff, nice to see you out and about." I yawned, grabbing the piece I set it on the table and got out my sketch pencils.

"How'd you know I was here?" I heard her ask from beside the lab doorway.

"Rule number one, stay alert stay alive." I hummed, looking over the fairly bland piece. I figured out where the light would be coming from and I Darkened the areas facing away from the source.

"Do you go to Yale?" She asked, likely noticing my hoodie.

"Yep. I'm on break right now for health, speaking of I should probably get back to Yale soon..." I mumbled to myself, popping the edge of my pencil in my mouth as I looked at the piece. I felt it was missing something...

"What do you study?" Two voices rang out, startling me. I dropped my pencil and huffed, turning around I faced Natasha and Loki. I closed my eyes and let out a slow breath before clapping my hands together and grabbing another piece of paper.

"Currently getting my bachelor's degree in art. Next I plan to get some degree in chemistry or technology. I haven't decided." I quickly explained, sitting in my lab chair as I began sketching out my idea.

"I never took you as the creative type." Loki hummed.

"Or the nerdy type." Natasha quipped. Before I can reply Ze pushed passed them holding something that made me go pale.

"NO NO NO NO NONONONONONONO! NO!" I yelled, glaring at my smirking best friend.

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