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-normal POV-

I ran past Stan straight to my apartment, locking the door behind me I rushed to lock the windows and pull the black out curtains closed. I pushed the couch and coffee table out of the way and turned off all the lights, setting up some vanilla scented candles. I removed Robin's collage and sat on the floor beside some of the candles, careful to not knock them over. Robin sat in front of me and I placed my hands beside his eyes.

"Show me Wanda's pain." I murmured, closing my eyes and pressing my forehead onto his. I saw in Robin's perspective what that sweet girl has been thru. Lost her brother, always thought of to be evil, the Raft, not trusted. I saw her being secluded from others or pushing them away. Then I saw her crying with a picture of a man who had white hair. I gasped and pulled away, heavily sweating as I blinked away tears.

"I can at least give her some family back. She'll be the first I help...." I sighed, rolling my shoulders to get ready. I threw off my helmet and my hoodie, removing my shirt so I was only in my sports bra. Robin's magic faded off me, showing hundreds of scars along my arms and stomach area. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, crossing my arms in a X formation over my chest.

"I call forth the powers of life and death to discuss a matter important to me." I mumbled, seeing a flash of white even with my eyes closed.

'You called little one?'

'Yes, what is it you wished to discuss child?'

Two voiced filled my head, the first was feminine and warm. Gentle even, like a mother. That is the embodiment of life. The second was male, raspy and deep. Embodiment of death.

"I am truly sorry to disturb you both but I must ask a favor, a soulmate of mine. Wanda Maximoff. She lost her brother, someone extremely dear to her. All I ask is that you bring him and his companion back, so she isn't alone while I am a coward..." I sighed, keeping my eyes closed. I have a deal with this two, I can ask for anything relating to life and death as long as my eyes remain closed and I make sure to never use this power for selfish purposes.

'Pietro Maximoff.... Yes he died a noble way, protecting another soulmate of yours and a child. I do not see why he cannot return. What do you say Life??'

'I quite agree, he deserves more time with his sister. And to find his soulmate.'

They agreed with me. At least I can make Wanda happy.

"Please summon his body here, I wish to inform him of what has happened and who I am before he goes to his sister." I pleaded, hearing some hums of agreement before they both state that it was acceptable. I smiled and bowed my head low in respect, seeing a flash of white behind my eyelids. The white changed into blue and I heard two thumps on the floor, quickly opening my eyes I saw a man and a cheetah...... Fitting.

"Huh? Vhat happened?" He asked, rubbing his head as he looked around. I got to my feet as Robin opened some of the curtains.

"My name is Julie Tiger Aurora, I'm a soul mate to your sister Wanda Maximoff. I brought you back so you can be by her side in my place, she misses you dearly..." I quickly explained, helping him up as Robin explained it to the cheetah.

"Wanda? Vhere is she? Vhere is my sister!!" He yelled, shaking my shoulders. I quickly smacked the back of his head and he stopped, seeming shocked that I did that.

"She's at the Avengers tower. If she asked how you are alive, just tell her that a girl brought you back. Now go!" I smiled, watching him and his companion super speed away. A sad smile took place on my face as I locked the door behind him and began cleaning up the candles and wax.

"Robin, dormant!" I called, knowing the big cat can hear me. I saw a flash of gold down the hall before I felt a pressure on my back. I knew that where he was in his dormant form I pulled on my shirt and my hoodie. I walked to my room and began packing. I didn't have much, a few shirts, a dozen hoodies, a few jeans and yoga pants, and a few pairs of shoes. I quickly packed my clothes into a black suitcase, grabbing my binder I quickly took my bra off and put it on. I grabbed some scissors and went into the bathroom, cutting my hair into a common boy style. I grabbed some spray on hair dye and sprayed it all over my hair so it was a solid black, next I put in some green contacts and looked in the mirror. I smiled slightly, I genuinely like this disguise. I walked back into my room and grabbed the suit case and my spare helmet. I snatched my wallet and spare money from their places and put them in my pocket, walking to the front door I grabbed my keys and my skateboard.

I left my apartment and took off that key from it, walking down and over to Stan I gave him the key and a very sad smile. I mean he's a cool guy, it sucks to leave him. Not like he would recognize me. I jogged out of the building and went straight for a black harley motorcycle with a few galaxy areas on it. I put my suitcase on the back and used some cords to secure it. I pulled on my blood red helmet and snapped the glass eye protector down. I swung my leg over the seat and took my place, glancing around I saw some of my soulmates walking towards the building I once called home. I put the key in the ignition and started my baby up, revving the engine I drove out of the parking lot and navigated my way towards the airport.

Germany here I come.

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