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I woke up with a grunt, the air temporarily leaving my body. I looked down and saw Raven laying on my stomach and looking at someone. I sighed and struggled to puch the big cat off.

"OKAY I KNOW I HAD A TIGER BUT CMON RAVEN!!!" I snapped, finally pushing her off. I groaned and gave a sharp whistle, seeing the golden red wolf named Honey and the honey badger I named Ash come barreling towards me. I grunted when they jumped onto my chest, winding me temporarily. 

"You need help there?" Someone questioned, quickly ignoring the shivers going down my spine I held out a thumbs up from the large pile of fur and claws. I heard someone chuckle as I wormed my way out of the pile, dusting myself off as I glared at the three mammals with a hiss from King to accompany the look. I looked over at who asked me, immediately my eyes were caught by the animal beside them. I gave out a small gasp and immediately whistled sharply, the large cat leaping into my arms and making me fall back instantly as I laughed.

"Robin! oh lord it has been ages, how's my big baby doing?" I smirked, sitting up with the tiger's large paws on my shoulders. This animal is my soul animal, it's why I'm so strong I had to live with the big cat for my entire life until I hit 18. Robin licked my cheek in response, making me laugh as I pushed him off.

"Nice to see you Robin, but I gotta go. King is getting tired, go back to who brought ya." I smiled, glancing over at a very confused brunette woman and a confused man who was staring at Ash. Robin bounded over to them, my attention quickly turning to my wolf and badger companions.

"Ash!! Honey!! Let's go!!" I called, standing up as Ash ran over. I lowered my arm and the fearless critter immediately clung to my arm.

"You really should've been a koala.... Raven Honey cmere!" I smiled, bending down I gently clipped a collar onto both of them before clipping onto a leash. As I was about to leave Ash jumped off me and ran to the man who was with Robin, Honey soon following which made me yelp as I was dragged over. I watched as Ash was hugged by the man and Honey was being babyed by the woman. My heart skipped a beat when I realized, these two are some of my soulmates. A slow breath left my lips as my eyes grew misty, Ash and Honey would want to be with their soul people..... I cant hold them back from that, I mean I'm just a 18 year old girl! These people had pretty much raised them, I cant take them away just because I have to find my other soul mates....... and leave them. Subtly I took off Honey's leash and turned to leave, feeling King and Raven rub against me. They felt my sadness, I've grown attached to these animals and needing to leave them is tearing me apart.

"Hey where you going?"A clearly drunk man asked when I was a few yards away from my first soulmates. I did a quick once over of him and turned to leave, pulling Raven away from him as she growled. But he grabbed me around the stomach. Instinct took over immediately and I shot my hand around his neck, my other one grabbing his arm. I kicked his ankle up and pulled my shoulder forward so he rolled over my back, immediately the reaction was what I wanted and he fell hard to the ground below. I placed my foot on is chest and rested my weight on that point as King slithered up to the man's face, his hood flaring as he exposed his fangs.

"You ever try that again, it wont end very well for you brat." I spat, glancing up at the cat that was giving him a sad look. I smiled at the cat and stood up, getting off him I felt King slide back around my throat. I tugged Raven along, right before I left the park someone put their hand on my shoulder. I felt tingles so I didn't act on instinct, instead turning. I saw the man from before, Ash firmly in his grasp as the woman walked over with Honey.

"Why'd you leave?" He panted, but my attention was grabbed by Robin rubbing against my leg. I crouched down and rubbed his face, letting Raven free so the two could play. I once again stood up.

"I have seven soulmates, I can't exactly stay with all of them. And forcefully separating a soulmate from their soul companion can cause damage not only to them but to my other soul mates as well. I just plan to find my soul mates and give back their soul companions. That way no one feels alone...." I sighed, rubbing my cold neck since King slithered off somewhere.

"But we all know each other, we were waiting to find you! you can come with me and Wanda to meet the others!"The man panicked, a sense of sadness evident in his eyes. I sighed heavily and looked at Robin, than the two soul mates in front of me with their soul animals.

"Fine. But I need to get the others and some of my stuff, I am making no guarantee that I am staying." I huffed, watching the two people's faces light up. I turned towards the park and whistled, feeling King slither up my leg as Robin and Raven ran over. I smiled at them and turned to head to my apartment, Wanda and the man following behind me.

"Oh yeah I'm Wanda Maximoff, this man here is Clint Barton. What is your name?" The woman asked, Wanda I mean. She had a nice accent that made me shiver slightly.

"Julie." I stated.

"No last name?" Clint asked.

"Abandoned at birth, never adopted. I just go by Julie Tiger." I shrugged. We fell into silence soon after, the sound of car horns and people walking around calmed me. My face fell into a soft smile as I stared at the darkening sky, my route home being engraved in my memory.

"How has Honey been?" Wanda asked, shocking me that I got the name right.

"Wow, didn't know I had the name right.... She's been pleasant. She gets along with the others nicely, unlike King here." I chuckled, the mentioned cobra letting out a soft hiss in reply. I smiled and looked at the black snake, watching him lift his head and booping my nose. I crossed my eyes with a straight face and broke into a laugh a few seconds later.

"You seem to have a close relationship with the soul animals, you've had them what. A week?" Clint asked. I turned towards them and gave them a smile, my eyes tightly shut. I didn't hear the reaction that got but if it's anything like the reactions I give it'd be kinda funny to see.

"I've always loved animals more than people, Robin here never left me until he had to. Plus these soul animals as you call them, actually understand how I feel." I chuckled, walking up the steps to my apartment, I smiled and waved at Stan and headed up to my apartment. Giving a quick warning to them, they stood back as all the soul animals I brought stood beside me or wrapped around my neck. I unlocked my door and barely had a second to react before I was tackled to the floor by WS, Lizzie, and Choco. I laughed hysterically when they began licking my face.

"Okay! OKAY! off you three git!" I smiled, sitting up. I pet all of them and walked inside, followed by Clint and Wanda. I told them to wait there as I went to my room, grabbing the harnesses and leashes I needed I also grabbed my helmet and board. Grabbing my messanger bag I put it on my shoulder, feeling Lizzie and King immediately take their spots inside the bag near my sketching stuff. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket as I jogged out.

"Ausrichten!" I barked, immediately they lined up. I put on a harness on each of them, clipping on a leash as well.

"Hope you two can keep up." I smiled, quickly running out into the hall with the soul companions running beside me, a smile broke out on my face as I heard Clint and Wanda run after me after closing the door.

This will be fun..... maybe I don't need to leave my soul mates......

Immediately following that thought the scars flared up in pain.

No.....I need to leave them to keep them safe. Just give them their companions, take mine. And leave.

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