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I was literally chilling I the living room with a bag full of chocolate chip cookies when something tumbled onto my lap. I looked down and smiled when I saw the absolutely ADORABLE munchkin cat. I giggled softly when it pawed at a bit of my hair. I gently picked the small creature up and ran my fingers along its spine, feeling the adorableness in my lap purr. My ears twitched in sheer happiness when the tiny thing curled up in my arms and fell asleep.

In my head I was doing a silent happy dance, I'VE WANTED A MUNCHKIN CAT SINCE I MET MY SISTER...... Shit. Okay that's later in the story.

(Do you WANT me to go cannon with Wanda, Clint, and Tony???)

Nope, I'm good. I lifted my gaze when Loki and a loud blonde man came in arguing. I felt the slinky adorableness stir and I hissed at them, immediately shutting them up.

"You two shut up when around the lord that is this tiny creature!" I snapped, watching the two leave the room before going back to their argument. I smiled and ran my hand over the cat's back as I began singing a lullaby my father had sung to me when I was a child.

"Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques,Dormez vous? Dormez vous? Sonnez les matines, Sonnez les matines Ding Ding Dong, Ding Ding Dong. (Are you sleeping, are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John? Morning bells are ringing, Morning bells are ringing, Ding Ding Dong, Ding Ding Dong.)" I sung, feeling the cat purr. My eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep with the adorable things held in my arms.

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