perplexity ; yang jeongin

Start from the beginning

"How long have you been standing there for?" the girl asks, looking up at Jeongin with her arms still around his neck.

"I just came when I heard Felix hyung begging for something so instead of interfering, I just stood there wanting to see more," he chuckled. "And to be honest, it was actually fun."

Felix pouted, "Your girlfriend bullies me."

(Y/N) turned to glare at her friend, "Shut up." she then turned back to Jeongin to pepper his face with small pecks and shower him with love.

Felix smiled at the scene, "It's at times like these when I think the two of you are really perfect for each other. You're both weird," he says. "Now let's go, the movie's gonna start in half an hour. Don't worry about the tickets, I know a friend who works there that owes me a favor."

(Y/N) grinned, "I knew I've kept you around for something."


Once the trio have arrived at the cinema, they have decided to watch Glory Day since they haven't watched it yet, but they have heard that it was a good film, according to critics and viewers. Plus, (Y/N) was a big fan of EXO, and watching her bias Suho go into act is some sort of a blessing for her.

A few minutes throughout the movie, (Y/N) was at the edge of her seat while she watched intently. And when Suho, who plays the role of Sang Woo, got hit by a car, she gasped, holding onto Felix's arm. Tears filled the girl's eyes as she cried, leaning onto Felix's shoulder.

Felix, being the extra person he is, started smirking at his friend's sensitivity, making Jeongin look over to them to see what all the fuss was about. And when he saw (Y/N) cuddling up to Felix, he felt a tinge of annoyance. He let it slide though, considering that he knew how close the two of them were, they were practically siblings with different parents.

But during the last minutes of the movie, when Sang Woo's spirit came to talk with Yong Bi, who was played by the actor Ji Soo, both Felix and (Y/N) started crying and sobbing on each other's shoulders. Even though Jeongin began to feel more annoyed, he forced a laugh and took a picture of the two for the future use of blackmail.

Finally, the movie was over and since (Y/N) and Felix acted like the biggest drama queens and were both physically drained, the three of them decided to go eat at a local fast food chain.

While at the restaurant, (Y/N) ordered a large fries and pasta, Jeongin got a bowl of spicy chicken stew and some fries as well, while Felix ordered a chicken burger.

"Hey (Y/N), do you want to try some of this?" Jeongin asks, holding out his chopsticks. The girl looked at him sadly.

"Sorry Jeongin," she says. "The restaurant makes it really spicy here and you know I don't handle spicy foods well."

Felix nodded, and broke a piece of his chicken burger, handing it to (Y/N). "How about you try some of this instead?"

"Wow, thanks," (Y/N) took the piece and stuffed it in her mouth, grinning widely at Felix.

Meanwhile, Jeongin was watching the scene unfold before his eyes with his fists clenching and unclenching. His teeth was gritted under his pursed lips, an unknown feeling seeping through his bones and nerves. He knew what he was feeling was jealousy, and he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself, considering that the two were acting so much like a couple, making him seem like the third wheel. And he's finally had enough.

"You know what guys?" Jeongin slams his chopsticks on the table a little louder than he intended it to be, "I just realized I had a ton of homework to do, and I have to turn in a report on Monday that I still have to revise. See you guys later." he then walked out of the fast food chain, leaving the two friends speechless.

Both (Y/N) and Felix frowned. Jeongin usually doesn't act like this, he was always smiling and never had his grin turned upside down, so something must be wrong. (Y/N) was also in the same class as Jeongin, and the only report he had to submit on Monday was a report about Medieval music, which he finished ages ago, and he had already spent days going over his report.

(Y/N) turned to face Felix, who had his face stuffed with chicken burger. She started to grab her leftover fries and collect all her things in her bag. "You know what? I remembered that I still have to revise as well, since Jeongin and I are in the same class."

Felix sighed, "How am I supposed to go home then?"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and handed him a few bills, "Hail a cab. Bye!"

She ran out of the restaurant and got a cab, telling the driver her address as she rushed home. She assumed that Jeongin wouldn't be with his hyungs if he's in a bad mood, so he would be at their shared flat.

She got off the car after paying the cab driver, quickly making her way to the house. Taking her shoes off, (Y/N) dropped her things and went straight to the living room, where she found Jeongin sulking.

She sighed, walking up to him and taking a seat on the spot beside him. She cleared her throat, wanting to break the awkward silence.

"What's wrong?" she says, looking directly at his sharp side profile.

Jeongin turned to her and gave her a forced smile, "What do you mean 'what's wrong?' There's nothing wrong," by the way his dimples showed, she would've believed him, but the tone of his voice gave it all away.

"Jeongin," she leaned over and held his hands, "stop it. I know something's wrong. I mean, it was so obvious that you wanted to get out of there on purpose, is it because of me?"

Jeongin sighed, "Partly."

"Why?" (Y/N) tightened her grip on his hands, and Jeongin felt guilt eating him alive.

"I'm really sorry beautiful, but it's just that you and Felix are both hanging out so much you barely have time to look at me," he admits, looking down at his lap. "Also, you guys were just doing couple things which make me feel bad. I don't want to think like this, but when I think about how close you two are since you both grew up and spent time together in Australia, I'll never be good enough for you as he is to you. I don't know, (Y/N). I think you'll look good with him."

His confession left the girl speechless. She never knew that he felt that way, but at the same time, she thought that a jealous Jeongin looked adorable and at the same time, hot.

"Jeongin," she removed his hands and cupped his cheeks to meet his eyes. "Don't say anything like that ever again. You're the one I want, need, and love. The reason I was just hanging out with Felix was that whenever he tags along with us, he always feels out of place."

Now, Jeongin feels childish. Of course he should've known that, he thought.

"And besides, if I like Felix like how I love you, which will never happen in a million years, I wouldn't be here with you right now, yeah? But, I'm really sorry for being insensitive with your feelings. I promise I won't do it again," (Y/N) leaned her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him.

Jeongin let out a sigh as he hugged her back, kissing the top of her forehead repeatedly.

"I'm sorry for being jealous, baby. I forgive you," he says.

"It's okay, I love you."

"I love you too," he kissed her head once more.

"Oh, and let me correct myself—I don't get jealous, I'm territorial."


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- pealix_lee 💖

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