Chapter 17: Enough (AMBW)

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He said nothing more. Kiah sat beside him in complete silence. She wondered if he saw her response to the way Jön kissed her. How would she that to him? Even though she knew she didn't owe him an explanation, she had no desire to be with another man. Her mind was caught up for a moment, but she also resisted him and explained who she really loves. She was lost in her argument and lost track of time as they pulled up to what looked like a personal residence.

The driver pulled around a circle drive and stopped in front of the residence. He got out and opened the door for them. Kiah followed Joon as he led her inside. It was an amazing place. High vaulted ceilings and chandeliers greeted them as they walked through the door.

"Why did you allow him to kiss you?" His voice was different. It was lifeless and cold. He continued to walk in front of her as she followed him further into the residence.

"For a moment, I was mesmerized. It was a brief moment which passed as quickly as it came over me." She explained without emotion. Kiah refused to feel as if she did anything wrong. She wasn't the person who broke their promise. Not one time came when she disrespected Joon in any way while he was in South Korea. If he faced the slightest bit of discomfort, it was his fault for allowing the woman who loved him to suffer alone.

Kiah refused to back down from the thought in her mind. They reached a room on the second floor she was sure was his. It fit his new demeanor and the way he carried himself. He was all serious and foreboding. Kiah snickered a little as she thought about how he was determined to portray such a serious guy. She knew a different side of him. It was difficult for her to picture him so serious and menacing.

"So, you will kiss a stranger and push me away?" He questioned her as she stood just inside the door. Joon took note of the defensive look on her face. Instead of expressing his anger, he made an attempt to coax her into restating what she confessed to before she knew he was there.

"Joon, what do you want from me? What more do you want that I haven't already given you?" She questioned him with anger and frustration peaking up in her voice. How could he continue to behave as if she owed him more than she had already given? Kiah turned to face the door. Maybe it would be best to just leave. Her mind whispered to her.

The first step was her last. His hands wrapped around her body. Jön enticed her but he wasn't Joon. Even though it had been four years, she still remembered his embrace. She still remembered his exploration of her curves. She still remembered the memories they made together.

"Baby, please don't leave. I can't breathe without you. My heart has ached every day since I went back to Seoul. I'm sorry for not coming back to you. I'm sorry for not being present for the birth of our son. I'm sorry for leaving you here to suffer alone. Please forgive me and give me another chance?" The touch of his lips on the back of her neck made her knees weak.

"I know it's too late to make up for not being here for you, but I will do anything in my power in an attempt to make up for my mistakes." Kiah was speechless. He kissed her with all of the pent-up passion he had held in check for four years.

She heard him suck in air as if he was shocked and choking at the same time. Joon closed his eyes and he began to speak to her in Korean. The sound of his voice in his native tongue was a catalyst of sorts. Kiah loved to hear him speak to her in his first language. Passion blinded her as she listened to his confession of love.

It was pure madness. This man left her. This man broke her heart. No matter how hard she tried to resist him, her body needed to feel him. Her body was incomplete for so long because no man could even solicit a glance from her. Every neuron in her body was addicted to Joon. He was her drug of choice and she was ready to overdose on him. Just when she thought she had kicked her habit, he was in her presence. She already knew what would happen if she gave herself to him, but the addiction was too strong to resist him any longer.

Not quite ready to give in, Kiah bit him hard. Some residual anger in her mind insisted on punishing him in some way, so she scratched him and bit him again. That action unleashed hell on her. His was response was simply to lift her and take her to the bed. His hand moved with precision as he removed her clothes leaving her exposed before him.

Joon wasted no time paying her body a kind of lip service. His lips and tongue tasted and tickled her skin. She was consumed by scorching heat. Kiah's breathing changed and became more desperate as he found his way down between her silky thick thighs. His mouth pampered her with the most elaborate massage. She felt every movement of his tongue as his lip service broke down the last of her resistance.

He wanted to hear her beg for it. It was his desire to hear her voice plead with him for more. Joon continued the work he began. His head was in motion as he licked and sucked on the little pink bud. Her hips bucked at his every motion. She was drunk with the motion of his lips and his mouth. Kiah moaned and moved to feel his mouth as it tripled and quadrupled the pleasure she experienced. His refusal to move further was the result of his need for her to ask for it. Joon desired more than anything to hear her call out his name.

"Joon please stop teasing me. Baby, please give it to me." Kiah forgot about anything that existed before the moment she pleaded with him to stop teasing her. He received what he craved more than anything. He pushed her knees up to her chest and lost himself deep in her.

She finally understood why he took her to his place. In any other hotel, anyone listening to the two would think he was trying to brutally kill her based on the sounds rushing from the room as he laid claim to her over and over again.


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