Chapter 11: Something New (AMBW)

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Her admirer introduced himself as Jon Larson. He was originally from Malmö, Sweden. Kiah asked him how long he had been in the US because she noticed his accent at times. He shared with her that he had lived in the States for most of his teen years and all of his adult life. He also explained to her that he still had an accent because he spent a lot of time in his country since all of his family were still there.

Jon was a financial planner. He was on his way to New York for a series of business meetings. It seemed strange that he would share so much information with a stranger. He was open and very friendly even though he had a somewhat serious appearance. Kiah decided there was nothing wrong with them exchanging pleasantries, but she was eagerly awaiting the boarding announcement. She was ready for them to go their separate ways.

"Good morning passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight DL2053 from Dallas, Texas to Albany, New York..." When she heard the announcement, she was grateful that it was finally time to leave the lounge. Secretly, she was anxious to make her way to the gate and get away from the eye candy that held her attention hostage.

"Kiah wait." He called out to her. In his hand was her laptop bag.

"Oh my God. You just saved my life. I'm speaking at a convention tomorrow. I would be in a lot of trouble without this. Thank you so much." She beamed at him.

"I'm glad I was able to be of assistance to you. I would hate for that pretty little face of yours to be upset without it." The light accent was pleasant and endearing. He was gaining serious points even though she fought with her own mind. She didn't want to assign anything other than a casual meeting to his presence. Kiah walked to the gate with him in tow.

They entered the plane and acknowledged one another with shocked surprise when they realized they were seated next to one another. She paused to allow him to sit in the window seat. Kiah had no desire to look out there. If she had to look out the window and see the ground even one time while they were in the sky, she would probably have a nervous breakdown.

"It seems you are stuck with me again." He smirked as if he knew something she didn't. It was too early in the morning to be faced with such an alluring face. She tried to avoid staring at him. She certainly didn't want to get caught doing anything as foolish as drooling over him.

"So, it seems." Kiah returned the smile. They struck up an easygoing conversation. It was amazing to chat with a stunning man without feeling awkward or pressed to be anything other than herself. The time seemed to fly by as the two newly acquainted passengers covered a range of topics.

Kiah noticed how the flight attendants showed him a lot of special attention. She thought it was comical that they were openly fawning over the gentleman sitting next to her. Other women, he came in contact with from the lounge, the gate, and even as he walked to his seat were seriously affected by his appearance. He definitely had some type of magical power. At a simple glance or smile, they were rendered as mushy puddles of goo. Kiah was determined to not behave like those silly females.


"Well, it looks like we made it safely." She stated as she grabbed her carry-ons. They exited the plane together and walked over to baggage claims. Once everything was in order, Kiah and Mr. Gorgeous found the area where someone should be waiting to collect them.

"I can honestly say this was by far one of the best flights I've been on." He ran his long elegant fingers through his perfectly cut golden blond hair as if he were somewhat restless.

"It was a nice flight. I'm just glad there wasn't any major turbulence." She added.

"I'm just glad I was able to enjoy your company." When she heard his words, Kiah looked directly at him. He peered into her eyes as he let her know that she was the primary reason his flight was so pleasant. Kiah lowered her head a little as she began to scan the area for her ride.

Even though she tried to hide her reaction to his words, a red hue flushed her skin and gave her away. There was no way she was getting caught up with someone who was a complete stranger. Just her luck. She spotted the driver who was sent to escort her to the resort.

"Thanks so much for helping me pass the time on the way here. I hope your meetings are successful." Her outstretched hand was simply to shake his hand and bid him farewell. He received her handshake and she quickly turned to leave with her senses intact.

"Kiah." The velvety smooth voice stopped her in her tracks. She hesitantly turned to meet his gaze.

"Yes, Jon?" Her reply held a slight but noted apprehension.

"Will you join me for lunch or dinner while you're here?" His words struck a nerve. She hadn't prepared for this. The only thing on Kiah's mind was enjoying the conference. She never once considered a situation like this would present itself. Her mind raced as she found herself momentarily unable to supply an answer.

"I'll try to meet you if my schedule is permitting." She found the perfect response. There was no way for him to have knowledge of her schedule, so she could tell him anything. As the thought danced through her mind, a sense of relief washed over her. At this point in her life, she was nowhere near ready to date or to think about men. Something caught her attention as her fingers began to nervously fiddle around as an attempt to distract herself from the nervousness she felt.

Kiah looked down at her hand and realized she was fiddling with her engagement ring.


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