Chapter 8: The Young Prince (AMBW)

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The walls of his mind came crashing down on him as Joon realized what he had done. After four years, he finally fulfilled one of his promises by returning to the woman who held his heart. His promise not to hurt her was shattered into tiny pieces.

Kiah carried his child and raised him for three years all alone. He wondered why she decided to teach instead of becoming one of the top directors of a communications or marketing firm. She was a highly intelligent and tenacious person. He was surprised when he didn't hear her name in any of the international business platforms.

The answer was right in his face as his eyes froze on the little boy.

"Mommy," Juni called to her from the side of the bed.

"Yes, my love." She replied.

"Why does he look like the picture on the wall in your room?" The sweet baby face questioned innocently.

"That's because he's your daddy." She stated honestly.

"Really?" Her son's eyes grew as big as any cartoon character. Juni examined Joon-Woo briefly as if he weren't sure of the man standing in front of him. Then he eased over beside him and took his hand. Joon's little twin looked up at him.

"Hi. My name is name is Jun-woo. J-U-N W-O-O and I'm free." The sweet little angel introduced himself and showed his father that he was three years old. Jun-woo hugged his father's leg before running back to his grandma.

"Do you want to go with Halmeoni to find something good to eat?" Ms. Grace asked her precious little grandson. He stood for a moment looking at his mother and his father. He ran back to hug his father one more time and then grabbed his grandma's hand and pulled her out of the room.

Joon sat on the floor. He felt like such a low life that he couldn't bring himself to sit on the chair. What had he done? The woman who brought everything good into his life was left hurt and all alone because of his ridiculous fear of his father.

"Kiah, please believe me. I am so sorry. I'm so sorry I left you alone. I would never have allowed you to go through this alone." The desperation in his voice was heavy. She couldn't bear to see him broken or to listen to his pleas. Many days and nights she rehearsed what she would do or say if she ever saw him again. But at the moment, she had no words.

"What happened to you? Why didn't you come back like you promised me?" Kiah had to know his reason for abandoning her before she threw him out of her room.

"My father found out about us and threatened to send my mother back to the US alone without me and without money if I even thought about contacting you. He had people monitoring my phone calls, my movements and every aspect of my life." Joon told her everything.

Even though she wanted to respond to what he said, no words would form in her mouth. Her throat seemed to tighten until she could barely breathe. The ceiling loomed as if it were too close to her while she lay helpless in the bed. She tried to find a focal point to help stave off another anxiety attack. She wanted so desperately to hate him. Hate was the one emotion that pushed her the past couple of years, but at the moment it didn't seem appropriate.

After her son turned one year old, she knew something was wrong. Not a call, email, letter, text or even a smoke signal came from Joon. At that point, it had been nearly two years since the last time she saw his face and kissed him goodbye.

The day after her son's first birthday, she woke up to a different world. She called Joon. Someone answered the phone and stated she was Joon's fiancée. The lady's Korean accent was very heavy, but the words that came from her mouth were words Kiah would never forget.

"Joon-woo no longer wants a black girl. I am his wife soon. Do not call again, please." The woman's voice stated in English and hung up before she could say another word.

The memory of that day made her hate the very existence of the man who begged her to marry him before leaving. Even though she believed their relationship was over, Kiah could never bring herself to take off the engagement ring off. She refused to believe that what they shared was just a lie. On multiple occasions, she wanted to throw it away. One day, she just knew she had gathered up the strength to throw it away, but the action caused her to nearly have a nervous breakdown.

She feared most of all that if she had a relationship while finishing high school and college that she would get pregnant and be left alone. Even though she trusted Joon with her life, he left her to struggle and rebuild herself after being torn to shreds by life and made a fool by the Seong Family. As she lay in the hospital bed, she realized this was too big to handle or understand while she was in a fragile state.

"Joon please leave. We can have this conversation when I get out of here. This is too much to process right now." The words were forced from her lips while she covered her face and rubbed her head. A massive headache insinuated that she would pay if she continued the conversation.

Joon watched her as she massaged her head. His chest was tight and his conscious began an assault on him. When he first approached her in the classroom, he hadn't realized that her shock would be as severe as what he now witnessed. His imagination began to create the worst possible images of how she must have suffered. All he wanted to do now was make-up for his many mistakes, but he didn't know where to start.

He decided to leave and try again later to convince her that he had no intention of just dropping off the face of the Earth. Joon wanted to cry as he prepared to leave. When he turned around to apologize once again, a sparkle caught his eye. After all this time, she still had it. Joon realized she was still wearing the engagement ring he gave her before he left.

A glimmer of hope imprinted itself on his heart. There was no way she would continue to wear his ring if there was nothing left in her heart for him.

"Kiah, I never ever stopped loving you and I never betrayed you. I hope you will believe me one day?" He stated as he walked out the door.


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