Chapter One

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White. Such a simple color without a hue. The color marked every wolf in some way, shape, or form. The more white a wolf had, the stronger they happened to be in wolf form. All alphas had their share of white mixed in with a shade of gray, red, or brown.

Black. The complete absorption of visible light. The color typically was seen somewhere on the werewolf's ear, no matter the wolf. It was how to tell a wolf from a werewolf. It was rare for black to be on more of the wolf's body, as the more black a werewolf had, the more powerful they were. They were the strongest leaders. They were the toughest wolves to crack. They would not back down until justice was met, and they would be there to slay anyone who ever wronged them or their pack in any way.

Never before had there been a purely white or purely black wolf. All werewolves were inverted colors of their mate. If one had red ears and a tan body, their mate would then have tan ears and a red body. All colors of the wolf were balanced. It was rare for it not to be, so as not to worry about a power imbalance between mates.

But there was one rare wolf. One where the ears and paws and tail were black while everything else was white. Aaric, Alpha of the Solar Summit pack. His colors were unequally inverted, giving him enough power to rule and kill anyone who would ever dare attack his pack.

The only person who could ever possibly be stronger than him was his mate. This person would have white ears, paws, and a tail with a black body reeking of power to destroy anything in its path. And though Aaric was an alpha, the man who was meant to be on top, he wished and hoped and prayed for a mate who would be as powerful as he was, possibly even stronger. He wanted an equal, someone who could stand proudly by his side and run his pack. But he began to believe he never would find his counterpart.

Twenty-five years had passed, and there was still no sign of a mate anywhere. He was longing and waiting for the day when he would find her. He would spoil her rotten, make her feel like a queen by his hands. He desperately craved his mate, so much so that he would ignore fate and go out in search of her on his own to other packs. And whenever he returned empty handed, a part of him wondered if his mate passed by while he was away, never to come back again.

A knock resided on the door, and the alpha called for them to enter. A squeamish boy scuttled inside, pushing back his dark locks out of his face. He bowed before his alpha in respect before slowly striding up to his desk. "What is it, Clive?"

"Beta Robin was hoping you would be willing to speak to Brooke about speaking to the other werewolves at our school. We're all about to hit the age where we find our mates, and we would like to know what is expected of us through the mating process," he questioned.

The alpha smiled and nodded at the boy. "Of course. Are the other packs not teaching it?"

"There was a meeting with a few parent wolves about wanting to have all the packs learn together. We do share a school with two other packs, and it would be easier to have the best pack doctor be the one to teach us everything we need to know about mating," he explained.

The alpha did find it to be a smart idea. The Solar Summit pack owned the land the school was on, so it was up to him. With many rogue attacks occurring over the past few decades, his father deemed it would be best to have their closest allies come live on his land. There were no more than a hundred wolves per pack, so there was enough space for everyone to coincide peacefully.

With the Nightshade Ice and Silverback Fur packs on their side, they knew they were stronger together. Soon, multiple packs across the nation began to copy their defense mechanism to keep themselves safe. Since the Alpha did happen to be the most powerful wolf, he was targeted quite often, so he was in desperate need of extra help, and the next two strongest packs were willing to help. Together, their coven made the strongest werewolf ally in the nation.

Though the other alphas did take care of their own packs, Aaric still tended to treat the other packs as though they were his own, making sure they were well nourished and taken care of. And that included making sure all werewolves knew how to prepare themselves for when they would meet their mates.

"Well, then I will be sure to give Brooke a call right away."

With a nod, Clive quickly left the alpha's office and hurried to his own room. Aaric picked up the phone and dialed the doctor's quarter of the building. Brooke answered on the third ring. "Alpha, what may I do for you?" she questioned, though it was clear she was not giving him his full attention.

"Brooke, are you free tomorrow?"

"Sir, you know I have a lovely mate," she teased.

"Oh, ha, ha. I need for you to come to the school with me tomorrow. The pups are asking for a lesson on mating habits, and it would be far easier to have the best doctor of them all teach all the pack's pups," he demanded.

"Yeah, yeah, just call the other alphas to let them know so I won't have to deal with my head on a stick," she replied.

"And how do you know I haven't already called them?"

"Because I know you," she stated before hanging up.

Brooke did know him quite well. He could say the same for her. The two were born and raised together. But when it was time for him to work on his alpha training, she left to work in the field of medicine. After witnessing countless warrior wolves head out into battle and return in dire circumstances, she wanted to become someone who would be able to heal them.

A fluttering passed the window, and the alpha quickly looked out to witness three crows flying above the trees. Heaving a sigh, he leaned back in his seat and wished for the day the crows would fly for him.

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