Christmas Day (30)

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Your POV

You woke up curled up on Jeff's chest. His hands were tangled in your hair. He had his sleeping mask on. His skin felt nice. Even though it was a little leathery.

He shifted underneath you. You closed your eyes. You felt his hand leave your head, and his body move with his arm. You turned on your back and stretched.

"Shit. Why are you doing that?" He asked. You laughed.

"I'm just stretching."

"Yeah. On top of me." He said. You relaxed. He shuttered and you laughed.

"I bet that feels good." You said.

The door opened and BEN walked in.  He didn't seem bothered at all by the sight if you laying on top of Jeff when you just had a big tshirt and underwear on and ho had his shirt off.

"Marry Christmas. Come down for presents with the adults. Sally and Sadie are still asleep. And Nina too so you're fine wearing that." He walked out. You sat up. You grabbed woods hands and pulled him up.

"Come on! Its Christmas!" You yelled. He went down before you. As he was a faster walker than you and you were stretching on your way down. You walked into the main room, the boy staring at you with light blushes. You went and sat next to Jeff and Offenderman. Not the best combination. Offenderman tried to touch your butt at least twice. "I swear, if you try to touch me ONE MORE TIME IM GOING TO FUCKING BEAT YOUR ASS TO THE GROUND!" You yelled.

"(Y/n). Be a little more quiet." Slenderman said. You nodded. You opened all your gifts and everyone opened their's. You and Jeff got matching sweatshirts. Yours had and arrow that pointed to Jeff with the captain 'I'm with the smiling idiot.' And his had an arrow pointing to you with the phrase, 'I'm with the pyscopath chick.' That made you blush a little. "If I has known you serial killers celebrate Christmas, I would have come here a long time ago. "You said sitting back. Wearing you sweatshirt.

"You don't celebrate Christmas?" Jane asked.

"Not for the past 6 years."

"Why?" Clockwork asked.

"Things change." You said.

"What happened?" BEN asked. You sighed. You sat up strait. You leaned forward. You elbows on your knees, and your hands clapped together.

"I got rich."

"Now I'm confused." Masky said. You sighed.

"Of your rich, you have a lot of things to do. No time for holidays anymore. I don't just wake up this gorgeous ya know." There were laughs.

"I beg to differ." Jeff said quietly. You rolled my eyes. You stretched, then stood up.

"Its early, and I'm still tired. I'm going back to bed if you don't mind."

"Actually. We do. Theres one more thing before you go." Clockwork began. "You have to kiss Jeff under the moseltoe."

"Really?" You asked. Confused.

"Its a tradition we have ever year. The newest pair in the house hold has to kill under the mistletoe."

"Who made up that dumbass rule?" You asked.

"Sally." They all said in unison. I sighed. You dragged Jefferson to under the mistletoe and kissed him. You then pushed him away.

"Goodnight." You walked up the stairs to you and Jeff's room and plopped down on the bed. Immediately falling asleep.

(Sooooo tired! Merry Christmas! 2018 December 25th.)

Who else feels like they're being watching by BEN or some shit through they're phone?

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