Fate Has Decided (18)

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Your POV

They were all staring at you. It was because you smiled. You turned your head away. Feeling nervous.

"I'm sorry." You say. You bit down on your hand. Make blood drip from it.

"What are you sorry for?" You hear BEN ask.

"I didn't mean to smile." You say. "convertat horologium tergum in ad mutare mea et praeterita obliviscentes-" before you could finish. You hear your father's feet running. In panic your drop the necklace that lay in your hand. It shattering like glass.

You dad rushed in your room and everyone suddenly disappeared.

"Why are you not in your human form!" He yelled.


"It doesn't matter. It's your mother. She's gone." He said.

"What do you mean she's gone?" You asked.

"Someone's asking for you. And they say they have her." You freeze.

"I'll be back." You run out. but he grabbed your arm.

"does this have to do with those people?" He asked.

"Yes." He glared at you.

"If she dies so will you!" he yelled. You yanked your arm away and ran out. finishing the enchantment and turning back into your human form. You ran to the woods. Deep inside. This was bad. If they have her, then her fate is already decided. as is yours. You ran a while before you got into a clearing.

"This is your fault." He said. You turned around. He was holding your sobbing mother.

"(Y/n) What's going on!" she yelled trying to get away.

"Its okay mom. Just calm down." You said. "Justin, please let her go."

"You made a promise. You made an oath! And you broke it! You swore on your mother's life! you promised. And you broke it!" He yelled. He pushed your mom forward and then you heard a gunshot. Your mom stumbled and she fell down in your arms. She had been shot in the stomach.

"No no no no no." You said siting down on your legs and holding her body. "No. Please no." You say as finally, tears weld up in your eyes. "No!" You scream. Your wails could be heard from miles away as you held your mom's dead body in your arms. "You killed her! You killed her!" You screamed. Tears finally rolling down your cheek. You screamed as your cries spilled from your throat. You felt presences behind you.

You could feel your body heating up. Getting ready to release all the anger. All the pain. Everything.

"You monster! You killed her!" You screamed.

"You broke your promise! You broke it!"

"She's dead now because of you!" With that last word, a wave of energy was sent out from your body. The wind started to pick up. But your screams and crying could be heard over it.

"Calm down child." You heard Slenders voice in your head.

"Its too much. I can't take it anymore. I just want to die. Why can't my life be like anyone else? why do I have to live in fear of what might happen? Why do I have to live with this mistake? Why can't I have someone who cares? No one cares. My life, my being is just a waste of space. And there's only one thing I can do about it. I can die."

You screamed one last time, before you blacked out.

(Okay, so I'm having a bit of a problem. I'm on a cliffhanger on the last chapter. I know it's a Jeff the killer x reader, but I don't know how to change it to that. I'm having trouble figuring out how to change it to that. Please comment if you have an idea. Please.)

Mine ( Jeff the Killer × Depressed Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now