Smile (7)

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Your POV

You slowly started to opened your eyes. Your head hurt for some reason. You vision cleared and you were face to face with a man with a mask on. Like the ones doctors wear. It had a smile on it. Drawn.

"Awake are we?" He said.

"W-where am I?" You asked.

"That's not for me to tell you."

"What's going on? Who are you?" You asked.

"So many questions." He said.

"Is she awake yet?" A familiar voice asked.

"Yes. And with questions too." You felt something on you wrists be removed. You sat up. In front of the door was a very tall man. He was wearing a suit. And he had no face..

How can he talk if he has no mouth?

"Come with me child." He said.

"What if I don't want to?" You said.

"Then you'll die."

"What if I want to die?"

The room went silent. The doctor looking guy, was staring at you. And if the tall man had facial features, he would also be staring.

"A wish to die? Ee don't get many of those around here." The Doctor guy said. You looked down.

"If I die, I'll be in pain. And pain is my pleasure. Why not die? I have nothing to live for." You said. You could smile. But it wasn't there. You wanted to die, but you didn't want to. Something was keeping you from killing yourself a long time ago. You had opportunities to, but no matter what something always kept you from it.

"Follow me."

You did as the man said and got up. You felt a sudden dizziness. You fell back but was caught by the Doctor guy.

"You'll be light headed for a while." He said. You stood up strait and follow the man. Down stairs. Then into an office. You sat in front of a desk and he behind it.

"You encountered someone last night in your backyard, did you not?" He asked. You nodded. "Do you know what he was there to do?"


"Yes. But when he came back, he reported to me that your father had tried to shoot him."

This guy. He seems, inhuman. And he's not treating me like I'm some pyscopath. like everyone usually does. Even if they don't know me. so what is his game? Does he need something from me? Or does he just want answers. No that's not it. He wants something from me. And I dont plan on giving him what he wants.

"No. He didn't. My family doesn't own any guns." You said. You were telling the truth. You don't remember you mom ever allowing a gun in the house since your birth father was killed with a bunch of gunshots. That lead to him crashing his car.

"Hm." The door suddenly opened and in came a boy. He was pale. He had the widest smile you've ever seen, and he didn't blink. He had jet black hair. You quickly looked down, and blushed. He was cute. Like, really cute. You liked his smile. It sent a shiver of fear down your spine.

"You sai-" he paused. "Who's this?" He asked. You looked up at him. "Holy shit! It's you!" He yelled. You wanted to smile. Someone remembered you. But once again, the smile wasn't there. You couldn't smile. You never have been able to. Ever since...

"Language Jeff!" you heard the man yell. Brining you back to reality.

"Sorry..." He muttered.

"(y/n), did you father point a gun at Jeff?"

"No. They don't own any guns."

"Then why'd he tell me your father pointed a gun at him?"

Finally, a smile creeped on your lips.

"Because," You stood up. "I'm the one with the guns." You lifted up your ziped up jacket to reveal to guns. "Their loaded." You said covering up the guns and sitting back down.

"Why do you have those?" he asked. Your smile disappeared and you looked down.

"Because, I may not agree with them, but i do take precautions when I'm out."

"Agree with who?"

"The voices in my head." You said tapping your temple. "They warn me of danger. But why listen? The thrill of not knowing what'll happened, it could make someone smile."

"Then why don't you smile?" The boy asked.

"And What? be like you? Always happy about something?" You didn't mean to offends him, you were just envious how out much he smiled. He much he was happy. You really liked his smile. You liked his mouth. You would kiss him if he'd let you. But he probably won't.

"Since you two seem so fond of one another, Jeff, you can share a room with her. You may go."

The boy growled and took your arm. He jerked you out of the chair and went up more stairs.

"Don't do anything stupid." Jeff dragged you into another room, the pushed you up against the wall. Holding your hands behind your back, and pressing up against you. You felt him smell you. It sent shivers down your spine. But you loved that feeling.

The way he held you against the wall. Making your chest press against the wall. It hurts bit that's okay. You liked the pain.

"I like your smell." He whispered seductively. It sent a tingle all out through your body. He bit the bottom of your ear. You held back a moan. biting your lip. You felt your arm be bent wich hurt like he'll. But you only laughed. Of course it was a laugh full of pain but still a laugh. "So your a masochist. Interesting." He said. You swung your foot backwards, kicking him in the nuts, grabbed your gun, turned around, pushed him against the wall, and put the gun to his head. He smiled. "Now now. Don't do something you'll regret." He said. You got a little closer. Now pressing your body against his.

"Why would I regret trying to kill someone who can't die from a bullet?" You got a little closer. You could smell his breathe. It smelled of blood. You liked it.

"Don't do it!" Your voices yelled. You froze. You sighed and backed off.

"Its not worth it." You said putting the gun back in its holder. "I told you to say quiet when I was trying to do something. You idiot." You said mentally slapping them. Jeff suddenly got a hold of your arms and pushed you back against the wall.

"What were you gonna do?" he asked.

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because I decide if wake up or not."

"But don't you love that feeling? Of not knowing?" You said.

"I like a lot of feelings." He said in a seductive voice, while getting closer. "You should really smile more. You look insane when you do."

"I like your smile." You said randomly. "It just reminds me, of what you are."

"and what would that be?" he asked. You leaned your head towards his right ear.

"A beautiful freak."

Mine ( Jeff the Killer × Depressed Reader) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now