Police Man: "T-thank you Spartan."

Jamie went to attend the wounded officer as the other officers began to relieve himself with his close encounter with death. Moments later and the nearby police cruiser radio began board casting an important message to all units.

Police Crusier Radio: "This is Kilo dispatch. Be advise all available teams advance to Lincoln Park. Evacuation will commence ASAP."

Different Police Officer on the radio: "Copy dispatch, what's the current status of the park?"

Kilo Dispatch: "Lincoln Park is green. Let's move these civilians before it changes."

D.Va: "Sounds like the evacuation is about to start."

Dae-hyun: "Dae-hyun to MEKA and Spartans, I'm reading some hostile tangos approaching your location right now." Dae-hyun went on our COMS with a warning.

I grabbed onto my mechs joystick and readied my mech for the upcoming attack. We all prepared ourselves presuming that they were all infantry Omnics. Seconds past and it wasn't infantry Omnics, they were a sworn of air Omnics. They looked like quadcopters but with two propellers instead of the regular four and it looked like a scary quadcopter that you don't want to mess with by the looks of it. It was coated in its usual coat of gray paint and had it's eyes glowing with a deep redness in them. They had a rotational chain gun mounted underneath the nose and missile pods attached to both sides of its tiny wing. They flown right over us and were heading towards the direction of the park by the looks of it.

D.Va: "It looks like they're heading towards the park." I point out.

D.Mon: "That's not good."

King: "If they make it to the park, then evacuation will be a disaster.

(Y/N): "We can't let that from happening. Hana you and the MEKA Squad clear the skies, make sure those evac planes make it out in one peace."

D.Va: "On it. Wait... what about you?"

(Y/N): "(Colour) Team and I will remain on the ground. We'll handle the infantry units.

D.Va: "K, booster engaged!"

With that said I grabbed onto the two joysticks on my mech with my hands. With my palm and fingers wrapped comfortably around the two joysticks and my pointer figure ready on the joysticks triggers I push both joysticks forward activating my mechs booster and taking my mech to the sky leaving a dust of clouds in (Y/N)'s face in pursuit of the Omnics. Yuna, Kyung-soo, Jae-eun and Seung-hwa followed my lead and were flying right behind my tail as we fly past destroyed buildings.

Overlord: "There they are." He exclaimed pointing to the Omnics from his mech's cockpit.

D.Va: "Pick a Omnic and stay with it."

We were trailing right behind our chosen Omnic, I'd picked the central Omnic who was leading the other Omnics in a triangle formation as they dodged repeatedly through damaged buildings trying to shake us off their tail. When that didn't work the sworn of bicopter Omnic's broke off in different directions leading us to follow them in hot pursuit. I didn't bother opening fire at them from my far range, I need to be up close if I want to hit my target precisely on point and then help the the others on their Omnic. I push my two joysticks even farther to the point of detaching them from my mech to boost my boosters to the absolute limited increasing my speed.

"Now is the perfect distance to inflict some damage into this noob of an Omnic." I say to myself. I squeezed the trigger violently aiming my Fusion Cannons at the Omnic with several shots landing on the Omnic and one critical damaged to one of its propellers leaving a trail of big thick black smoke leading straight into my cockpit view. I'm coughing painfully with every inhale I take since the smoked entered through the open gabs where my mechs joystick were and into my lungs. I also can't see anything with this black smoke in front of my view so I decided to lower my altitude to advoid the Omnic's smoke trail, but somehow this Omnic is a smart tin can. It knows about its black smoke trail and is adjusting itself to ensure that I don't get free from it. If I go down the Omnic goes down, if I go up the Omnic goes up; you get the picture by now.

D.Va X Spartan Reader: Her Cute DemonWhere stories live. Discover now