Action figures

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Jacob raised a brow at you.


"Yes you. You're gonna help me save this place from being ripped apart by a machine." Jacob stepped back and put his hands up his chest in defense.

"Oh no no no no no no-"

"Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes."

"What makes you think I'll agree to helping you?" Jacob put a finger on his chest and a smirk crept up your face. "Gee I'm not sure if my big brother will be happy when he learns that sweet angelic Jacob drove me to a party, where there was underage drinking by the way, and let me wonder off with other boys all alone." You faked your sympathy and Jacob looked at you shocked.

"Are you blackmailing me?!"

"C'mon Bae you've known me long enough to know that I'm capable of such. Stop acting shocked." You roll your eyes and the blonde looked at you horrified. "Juyeon was right, You are evil." He breathed the last word out dramatically and you couldn't help but smile at that.


You and Jacob walked through the door and immediately came in contact with Hyunjoon who looked at us with a brow raised, a bag of chips in his hand

"Where are you two from?" He asked taking a chip in his mouth. "None of your business." You snap walking past him only to be stopped in your tracks, a very good looking Younghoon looking down at you with a smirk. "They were probably out somewhere making out." He leans in teasingly and you push his chest trying to hide your blush. You walk away and leave the two boys to interrogate Jacob while you make your way to living room. Half way into the room and you can hear muffled voices and yelling along with some snapping sounds. You walk into the room and find a complete mess. Haknyeon and Hyunjae are playing a video game, Eric and Kevin are on hoverboards chasing each other with toy guns that seem to shoot our plastic sticks while Sunwoo, Changmin and Chanhee are gathered around the table playing with...dolls? You snort and decide to walk up to the group playing with dolls. Kevin almost knocks you over as he zooms in front of you laughing hysterically as he tries running from Eric.

This place is so unorganized with Juyeon or Sangyeon.

"What are you guys doing?" You trying keeping in your laugh when all their heads look up at you, showing the plastic dolls on the table. One is a woman wearing nothing but a bikini and the other seems to be a robot.
"Changmin's showing us his dolls." Sunwoo says scooting up for you to sit and get a closer look. "They're not dolls! They're action figures." Changmin defends and Chanhee looks at him, his eyes lazy. "They're dolls Changmin." He says and Changmin sends him a glare.

"Shut up Chan." Sunwoo says and Chanhee looks at him astonished. "But you literally said the same thing." He whines making you chuckle. "I know but it sounds annoying coming from you." Sunwoo shrugs and the bleach blonde boy opens his mouth to say something but nothing but a weak squeak come a out and then he deflates and groups a couple of things under his breath. Some you caught to be "always the same shit", "scumbag" and "more attractive." You were acustome to the boys in the house being mean to Chanhee and sometimes it made you feel bad but sometimes it made you laugh.

"What do you use them for?" You ask him with the intention to change the subject from poor Chanhee. Changmin lights up at your question but before he can even answer your question Sunwoo speaks. "Why do you think they're called action figures? He smirks and everyone except Changmin snorts at the dirty joke.

"No! Leave my Dragon alone!" Haknyeon whines and your eyes turn to the two boys in front of the screens. Haknyeon is pleading at the screen as he smashes the buttons on his cobtroller but Hyunjae seems relaxed as he gently moves his thumb across the stick. "Nooooo! Hyunjae-ah! You're supposed to be on my side!" Haknyeon cries and the moroon haired boy shrugs his shoulders. "This game is about deception, what did you expect?" He asks lazily.
"Sunwoo! Hyunjae isn't playing fair!" Haknyeon cries again and the sitting next to you furrows his eyes and looks back at the boys.

"Can you two shut u-" The tubes from one of Eric and Kevin's guns stick on Sunwoo's side profile and your laugh hitches. You cover your mouth to keep your laugh in and Sunwoo has his eyes shut, as if he's praying for patience. There's an eerie silence as everyone watches Sunwoo in fear and then you turn your head to see who's the one who's gonna be getting the ass whopping, Eric's horrified face says too much. Sunwoo opens his a little bit and they look like slits as he locks eyes with Eric who without warning takes off on his hoverboard and Sunwoo sprinted after him.


Far into the little forest you and Jacob visited, a few trees are being knocked down by a yellow truck. A tall man in a black suit and a shorter man wearing a dirty blue shirt that shows the base of his beer belly and brown shorts stand by as they watch the machine work.

"See here mister Wuu, all 'ese tress goin' be knock' down pretty darn soon." The short man says to the other who seems very uninterested as he scrolls through his phone. "When is soon Jerry?" He asks coldly, not looking up from his phone.

"In two weeks maximum." He replies proudly and the tall man turns to him abruptly. "Make it less. I don't have time." He growls before walking away.

"Hey boss!" Another blonde man jogs up to Jerry holding his white construction helmet and Jerry furrows his eyes at him after seeing the truck had stopped working. "What''re you doin' down 'ere?" He snaps at the blonde. "Walker says he saw some baby rabbits somewhere along the trees. Should we move them-"

"What?" Jerry snaps, his eyes bulging out of his bold head. "Get back on tha' there truck righ' bout now! Keep workin'!" He pushes the blonde back to towards the truck.

"Who gives a shit 'bout some stupid animals."

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