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A/n: Uh this is not necessarily an update but I had the idea to start making shorts while I write the actual chapters of the book. I'll be doing these a lot in book two, I hope you enjoy!


[Opperation kidnap] (Cameron Philips 'Amercan hustle' remake) :))

The poor male named Penny felt like he was about to explode in this very moment. His boss, Jerry, had the spectacular idea on an easy way to obtain, according to him, bucket loads of cash from a rich naive youngster, which involved getting the poor boy to drive a van filled with twelve blindfolded idiots who wouldn't shut up.

"Hey mister kidnapper! These ropes are too tight!" Eric yelled, referring to the ropes that tied  each  their wrists together. How on earth had Penny, himself, manage to kidnap twelve people? Let's just say that the group somehow all had a very short  attention span and could easily be averted by small kittens. That or the author could not think of anything more convincing to write.

"I need to pee!" Haknyeon yelled along.

"Guys, I miss the kittens." Eric sulked and you turned to where you imagined his face would be. You too were blindfolded, you see (badabumbum tss).

"The kittens are what got us into this mess you idiot." You complained and he leaned forward to where he heard your voice.

"How dare you blame those fluffy living representatives of heaven!"

You rolled your eyes.

"We're gonna die, we're gonna die, we're gonna die-" Sangyeon had been repeating every five seconds ever since they'd been thrown into the vehicle.

"Shut up Sangyeon." Sunwoo snapped making the latter do so. Penny tightened his grip on the steering, trying to grasp all the sanity left in him. He made a harsh turn to the right, making the you lot in the back (who didn't have seats by the way) all lunge into each other. You all groaned in agony of the impact while Changmin and Chanhee screamed as if this was some rollercoaster ride. And they actually had seen it that way,I kid you not.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Jacob immediately asked once recovering, ears still ringing from Changmin and Chanhee. You nodded your head but then remembered that he couldn't see you so assured him with words.

"You both disgust me." Sunwoo sneered.

"That's it! Shut up! All of you! If I hear anyone say another word you're all dead!" Penny yelled to which everyone bit their tongue. The only sound that could be heard now was the moving of the vehicle on the road. Hyunjae waited in silence but he couldn't handle it. He couldn't handle being surrounded by something he hated so much.

"Another word."

He taunted making everyone sigh and Penny felt like driving the van off the nearest cliff. You wanted to fling everyone in the vehicle across the sky right now but what's new.

"Can you at least play music?"

"Yes. Do you have Beyonce?"

"Or metal rock?"

"Ya' like jazz?"

Penny weeped.

[The confession]

Sunwoo fiddled anxiously with the buttons of his shirt. Today was the day he would finally let Jacob know about how he felt. Finally confess his true feelings. He was beyond nervous. He had considered the prospect of rejection or even losing his friend to this, but rest assured, for him, he believed that Jacob, someone he's been friends with since primary school wouldn't walk away from their friendship for something so silly. And the rejection? He figured he would get over it if it happened. But right now he had to tell him. It was time he knew.

Good Girl [A The Boyz Fanfic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora