Chicken little

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A/n: Thank you guys for checking out my book. I know my writing isn't the best but I'll try to improve it as much as possible but to do that I need feedback from my readers, thanks❤

"I still can't believe I got dragged into this." Jacob sighed, his back leaning on a tree as he watched you enter a different portable toilet. At was that time once again. Your rat infestation was enough to keep the site from doing anymore damage for at least a day but now that they had gotten rid of your rodent friends, you had to go through with stage two of the plan.

"Well there's no turning back now Baecop, you're officially an accomplice. If I go down then so do you." You smirked at the boy before walking into another stinky toilet.  "Our story is better than Bonnie and Clyde's." He rolled his eyes. "Of course!" You said enthusiastic making Jacob chuckle lightly.

The portable toilet you were in shook for a good second and went silent. "Is everything okay in there?" Jacob's voice was laced with worry and just when he was thinking of coming in after you, you walked out and shut the door quickly.

"Whew!" You exclaimed dramatically wiping a bead of sweat from your forehead.

"What happened?" Jacob asked as you two started walking besides each other. "Nothing serious, Ruscco just has a temper issue." You shrugged and Jacobs eyebrows shot up.

"You have names for those things?! I'm not even gonna ask how you got them. What I do wanna know is how you ducktaped their mouths?"

You looked at the boy shocked.
"Me? There's like two dozens of those things, I'm not capable of that." You said shaking your index finger in the air.

"So was the person you bought them from?" Jacob asked and you looked at him, a feline smile on your lips.

"What makes you think I bought them?"

"You're so...weird." Jacob shook his head and you shrugged.

"I'm also hungry, take me out." You demanded.

"As in a date?"

"I don't give a shit what you call it Baecop as long as I have food in me." You said putting your chin up and then turning your eyes to your phone screen.

"It's eight thirty, there's a place down the street that has good chicken." You looked up at the boy with a sickly smile and he sighed.

"Alright then little lady, let's get some food in your belly."

'Lady", that's not the word used to particularly describe you, especially when it comes to you eating. Jacob, along with most of the people in the fast food restaurant stared at you in shock and some giving you judgmental glares but you didn't care. You slurped up your noddles squirting the juices around and stuffed your face with beef and chicken. When you were eating, that's what you were doing, the only thing that existed in that moment was you and the plates of food. Jacob stared at you in awe along with the waitress th a was refilling his glass of water.

"Ughh this chicken is better than sex!" You moaned before stuffing your face. "I'll let the chef know that..." The waitress said as she slowly picked up her jug and placed it on her tray.

"Your girlfriend?" The waitress asked Jacob making him tear his eyes from you to her. "Huh? no no no, we're friends."  He laughed nervously and the waitress nodded her head sceptic and walked away.

"For something so little you've sure got one heck of an appetite." Jacob mocked and you looked up from your food to him breaking his smile. Your eyebrows were scrunched up and your cheeks were fully inflated with food and to Jacob you looked, adorable. The look on your face made his stomach fuzz up a little bit. With the weird look Jacob was giving you, you just raised your brow at him before finishing off the food that was in your mouth and washing it away with a cherry soda. You smacked your tongue on the roof of your mouth releasing a satisfied sound and burping.

"Gross." Jacob laughed and you shrugged.

"Are you full?" He asked.

Is it bad that even after the kimchi, dumplings, chicken and beef you still weren't full?

"Yeah I'm satisfied." You lied and Jacob believed you. Anyone would with the amount of food you've had you should be full, in fact, you shouldn't be even able to walk. Jacobs eyes moved from your eyes to a spot on your chin. It was sauce and he reached out his hand to wipe it with his thumb. Clocking what the boy was about to do, out of impulse you smacked his hand away and grabbed a napkin, wiping the sauce away yourself.

Was he really gonna do some clichè movie shit? What does he think this is?!

You glared at the dirt-blonde as he rubbed his stinging skin, sulking.

"Oh you're paying by the way." You said putting down the napkin. "I figured." Jacob laughed and you snapped your head to look at him. "Don't get me wrong, I don't usually let men pay for me but in this case I'm telling you not letting you." You defended and Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Just shut up and let me treat you." There was a long silence after that, you biting your lower lip hesitating your next sentence and Jacob on his phone.


"Hmm?" His eyes never left the screen and you were grateful because you weren't used to saying what you were about to say and if he was looking at you it would be worse.

"Thank you."

With those two simple words, the boy looked up from his phone. There's no doubt he was shocked but then a smile broke out on his face.

"You're welcome Y/n." His smile was genuine and you couldn't help but smile back. Feeling a little weird you averted your gaze and cleared your throat.

"You called me Y/n....I didn't even know you knew my real name." You smiled nervously. Why were you nervous?! This wasn't you but with the way the boy was not taking his eyes off you it was hard not to be. Can he just look back down at his phone?

"Of course I know your real name." He said in an obvious tune and you shrugged. "I mean, you're always calling me Trouble so it's hard to tell."

"What? You don't like your nickname or?" He asked and you bit your lower lip, a nervous habit that you hated but couldn't control.

"Not that I don't like it, but I mean with how frequently people use it it's like it defines me...but it doesn't." Jacob was shocked with how serious your tone was. No trace of mischief, playfulness or sarcasm. It was so raw it almost scared him and he didn't know what to say so you continued.

"Trouble? Trouble maker that's all you are..." You laughed bitterly. "You know my brother gave me that nickname, together with my dad. Back then I liked the name because it was just used by them as a playful mock but now....."


"Nah it's not that deep I guess." You immediately cut Jacob off, you didn't want his pity over something so little.

"I will admit though I am jealous of Juyeon, you know him being...him. 'The perfect son' my mom always says and then I'm 'The bardon' which I totally get but..." You trailed off. You don't know what was put in that food but you were being way more open than you ever wanted so seeing that you'd already started, you finished it off.

"You know when my dad died I was the only one in my house that went to his funeral. Juyeon couldn't go because he had exams, and my mom...just really fucking hated my dad for some reason. And now that my dad is gone she sees me and I'm a reminder to her of him so I don't know. That's why I'm jealous of Juyeon, because not only does he still have both his parents but they both give him love along with the rest of the world unlike me." You finished with a loud sigh, swallowing your tears hard.

"I......well damn." Jacob sighed making you laugh weakly. "I didn't know it was like that Y/n, I'm sorry you think that but I honestly think you're way cooler than Juyeon. And anyone who thinks otherwise can choke." He said making you laugh again.

"Thanks Baecop." You smiled.

"Do you wanna hug?"

"No." You immediately refused the offer and Jacob's shoulders slugged and he pouted like a child.

"Who would've thought the Y/n could be so vulnerable."

"Hey! I can be compassionate....sometimes." You mumbled the last part.

"Wait, will you stop calling me Baecop?"


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