goodbye trouble!

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After what happened two nights ago your mom didn't hesitate at all and made the decision that she needed time to be away from you. That's right, not the other way around. She told you that she couldn't stand dealing with your shenanigans anymore and came that you had to leave to Seoul for Summer break with your brother although she felt unfortunate that he had to deal with you. You didn't mind obviously, anything to be away from your mom.

So here you were, your stuff packed at the back of your mom's SUV, you still inside the house getting ready to leave. There was a knock at the front door making you drop what you had been doing to get the door. Your face soured at the big woman wearing a short hot pink pencil skirt, a peach pink shirt and hot pink blazer, but this time it wasn't tied, it hung loose at her bulgy sides.

Learnt your lesson I see.

Miss Green immediately scowled when she saw you opening the door and you returned her look.

"Y/n." She said, all three of her chins up. "Charlotte." You said and she was taken back by you using her name but regained her composure. "So Miriam has finally had enough and is sending you off eh?" She smirked evily and I shrugged. "I guess so." She chuckled at that.
"I have a question though Miss Green, it's really been eating at me." You said and she stopped laughing and looked at you with her eyebrow lifted. "Hmm? What?" She asked and you put your arms over your chest and looked down at the floor pretending to be in deep thought.

"How did you get up from the floor that night? I did hear a firetruck but I wasn't sure-" You said in an untruley worried tone. Miss Green's eyes bolded in anger and her face went red with rage.

"That's enough!" She cut you off and you smiled at that. "Where's your mother? I want to talk to her."
"She's inside." You said and Miss Green didn't hesitate to push her big body through the doorway so she could enter making you stumble back almost falling. Luckily your mom was descending down the stairs when she walked in.

"Charlotte!" Your mom said, surprised. "What are you doing here?" She asked putting on an earring in a hurry. "Don't worry Miriam I'll be out in a minute, wouldn't want you to spend another minute with this one still around." She said, side-eyeing you, something you were used to.

"I brought something."

Oh for the love of-

Miss Green took out her clutch purse that was under her arm and you hadn't noticed it before because.....Stop! You wouldn't dare be that rude. Miss Green took out some money then handed it to you and your face gleamed. She realized this and pulled the money away in a hurry.

"You there! This is for your brother." She said making your face fall and a satisfied smile crept on her face. "Give this to my sweet Juyeon." She said in a pout handing over the money and you got a hold of it but Miss Green didn't let go. You looked up at her and saw a very stern expression on her face.

"I'll call him later to make sure he got all the money." She said behind clenched teeth before letting go of the stack and you glared at her. "I wouldn't steal your smelly money." You said and she brushed you off turning to your mom who was glaring at you, she probably heared what you said to Miss Green.

"That's all Miriam! Now get the rat out of here." She said before turning around and leaving.

"Glad I won't have to see her for a couple of months. Always taking up all the oxygen." You commented. Your mom scolded you but she was definitely hiding a smile.


"Mom!" Juyeon sang as he made his way down the concrete steps outside. You looked around the big lavish house, you were quite impressed with your brother's home, or mansion. How much did your brother earn exactly?
Juyeon let go of your mom after their embrace and faced you, who was carrying two heavy suitcases. A sly smirk was on Juyeon's lips when his eyes met yours.

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