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In a jail cell at the police station, Wuu and McCarthy sat side by side with other criminals, both of them angry as ever.

"This is all your fault." Jerry groaned lowly and Mr Wuu, who had been taken to the hospital before brought here, was not in the mood for Jerry's complaining. His face and hands still throbbed with pain and were still swollen.

"You'e thired." He said through his swollen lips.

"Fired? I quit!" The other man who understood him retaliated.

Wuu sighed.

The door creaked open and in came in a handsome young boy, Jerry recognised to be one of the kids from the other night. He was wearing a black shirt and skin jeans with boots that had chains to the side. His looks matched the mischievous smirk he had on currently as he walked over to the inmates.

"What're you doin'?" Asked Jerry in suspicion. The boy didn't answer but simple pulled up a chair to sit in front of the cell. He pulled out a straw from his pocket and a piece of paper then began to chew on the latter.

Everyone looked at him confused and just as Wuu was about to tell at the young man for acting strange, a wet white ball was plastered right in the middle of his eyes. Hyunjin put down his straw and proceeded to chew on another piece of paper, laughing evilly.

¤  ¤  ✏  ¤  ¤

"I had a dream about you." You said to the boy across you who was playing with a leave on a tree. He glanced at you and began to turn red.

"I know, Cole told me." He said and you immediately cursed your big mouthed friend.

"What? No- Jacob, I had another dream, about you." You said, slightly embarrassed.


"Yeah, we were on a date."


"I think the universe is trying to tell me to tell you to ask me out."

"Ohhh." Jacob smiled shyly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Well?" You prompted, you usually weren't this confident.

"I can't do it now! It'll be awkward now." The boy said.

"Why are being so weird?" You laughed at his red face earning yourself a glare.

A twit from above your heads made you stop. Three blue heads popped up from the nest above.

"Are you sure they're gonna fly out today."

"I mean, I hope so." You answered.

"It kinda sucks though. You know, you leaving." It's true, it did suck but you had no choice. It was known from the beginning that you were gonna leave anyway but why does it feel so hard now that you actually have to.

"Don't be a baby, I'm not dying." You tried joking around but you also felt the same way Jacob did. You'd grown quite attached to your brother's friends, who were now basically your friends,if not brothers. Of course except for Jacob,that'd be just wrong.

"Yeah I know but-" luckily before you could dive into the topic even deeper, another twit came from the nest then a rustling. You looked up to see the three birds sitting in the edge and tentatively stretching their wings. Jacob straightened up to get a better look at the sight. The mother came onto a branch and shook it's head before lifting up into the air and flying around the nest a few times, as if showing the birds how. She landed back onto another branch and scwacked. One of the birds in the nest perched up and lifted itself off the air stumbling a little but flying up to the branch where the bigger bird sat. Another followed. The last one was tantive, twittering up to the other birds helplessly. It was smaller.

Good Girl [A The Boyz Fanfic]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें