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Juyeon's face was hard and his muscles tense as he paced back and forth in the TV room. His index finger and thumb were pinching his chin as his other hand wrapped around his waist. So many worried thoughts going through his mind.

"What's up with you?" Kevin asked cooly, thumbs pressing away on his joystick (I feel wrong for using that word idkw - -) and eyes not trailing from the TV screen. Juyeon stopped for a moment before walking towards Kevin and standing in front of the TV screen. Kevin who was now disturbed from his Fortnite game stared up at the older man in frustration.

"They're late." Juyeon simply said but Kevin already knew who 'they' was.
"They are?"

"Yes. Sunwoo said they'd be back by nine. Look at the time!" Juyeon said, taking his phone out his pocket and shoving it into Kevin's face. Kevin squinted his eyes at the bright digits.

21:02 p.m

"Oh Juyeon," The brunette sighed shaking his head and in that exact moment the front door clicked and Juyeon sprinted away.

"You're back!" He praised once he saw both you and Sunwoo walking in. Juyeon happily wrapped his arms around you, taking you by surprise and knocking some air out of you. Sunwoo looked at you both with wide eyes but you smiled and just shrugged.

"Trouble..." Sunwoo stepped forward reaching out for you but your brother swung you away in his arms, making sure you were behind him.

"Get away from my baby sister you testicled predator!" Juyeon barked at Sunwoo making the young boy back away slowly and you face palm yourself out of embarrassment of your brother's actions.

"You take her away the whole day, don't even text then come back late!?" Your brother went on and Sunwoo, who's face was becoming almost as red as yours, put his hands up in defense.

"But we aren't late!"

"Oh yes you are. Two minutes and twenty-five seconds late to be precise," Your brother said, sticking his chin up in pride and you hid behind your hands.

Why is he embarrassing me?!

"So as punishment, you're doing the dishes tonight Romeo." He finished and you finally jumped in.
"What? That's stupid we-"

"Would you like to join him, Juliet?"

Juyeon said, his eyes expecting and Sunwoo's eyes begging. You scratched the back of your neck and laughed sheepishly before shaking your head. Juyeon smiled triumphant while Sunwoo's mouth fell open.

Is he actually surprised about your choice?

"But Juliet's supposed to die with Romeo!" He whinned as you turned to walk away, Juyeon in front. "You want me to die for your sin? Who am I? Jesus?" You waved off leaving Sunwoo shocked at your actions and clever pun.

Walking behind Juyeon made you wonder if everything was finally back to normal. Was he still mad? With the way he just acted, anyone would think otherwise. So you walked up to him to conclude how he was actually feeling.

"Hey JuJu! Wanna watch Modern Family with me?" You asked knowing very well that Modern Family was a show both you and him loved watching together.


That stung.

Maybe he just isn't in the mood for Modern Family?

"Okay Family guy? Or The Simpsons? Or maybe even Orphan Bla-"

"Actually, I just don't wanna watch anything with you right now." He said and walked away.

Now that HURT.

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