You, me, counting sheep

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Everything was blurry, hazy and almost non-existent. A cloud laid over your eyes, beautiful, bright, and as non-realistic as everything else.

"Wake up Sunshine." A voice said and the cloud cleared, showing a beautiful boy, brown eyes, hair that blended in with his skin. He looked down at you, a beautiful innocent smile plastered on his face and you looked back up at him,feeling at home and at ease. His body was leaning on his elbow as he faced you and your heart was racing.

"But I just wanna stay here." The words dripped off your tongue and the boy next to you' eyes darkened, all innocence completely gone.

"Then let's do just that." 

Jacob's voice was lowly and almost came out as a growl, leaving shivers down your spine. Without another warning the boy leaned in and placed a kiss on your lips. His lips were soft and so was the kiss which after sometime got deeper. Jacob moved from his position and laid on top of your body, his hands supporting him on either side of your head so he wouldn't squish you. The warmth of his body against yours made the butterflies in your stomach flutter like crazy. (Hsjsjzjzjjsjsj wtf am I writing about my poor baby baecop😭)
The boy pulled back much to your distaste and your eyes fluttered open only to be meet with dark ones, caramel skin and pink plump lips smiling back at you.


"AHHHH!" You screamed briefly, your body jerking up from your bed. You were breathing heavily, eyes darting around your dark room. A loud bang on the wall from the opposite world made you realize you were back into reality.

"Shut the fuck up."

Sangyeon yelled through the plaster. You sighed in relief, being thankful that it was just a dream.

¤   ¤  ✏   ¤  ¤

The lumpy man named Jerry gruffed loudly as he pushed back the bed. He sighed heavily once he was satisfied with it's position and he laid his hands on his hips and  nodded at himself.

After what happened last night with officer Min, he had no choice but take matters into his owns hands. The young so called officer was worse than Jerry's twelve year old nephew. He barely did his job, didn't  take orders from Jerry and whenever Jerry would remind him that he was there to look after the site, not play videogames on his phone and drink all night he very calmly told him to "chill man, it's not that deep". That set the older man off the edge.

So he very much politely asked officer Min to go home everyday and come back on the fourth of Never. To which he responded,

"Don't you mean November?"

And Jerry had not so calmly told him to get out. But the young man was unphazed, he  had waved his hand walking away and snickered.

"Americans really do pronounce words weirdly."

So now, Jerry being the implacable genius he is decided to rent out a trailer where he, himself would stay in, and look after the site and perhaps even catch the criminals?


Why hadn't he thought of such a plan before? Why had he wasted so much time and resources on lazy police officers and good-for-nothing employees when he could've easily done the job himself?

"Never send an idiot to do a smart man's job." He said to no one as he slouched into the camping chair and switched on the radio since he had no television in his trailer.

But what if you let a moron to do an idiot's duties?

¤  ¤  ✏  ¤  ¤

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