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Sanging-on was pacing back and forth ranting to the other boys who were home about what you'd done to him this morning. You didn't understand why he made you sit in the living room if he's not going to confront you but tell these people. What did he expect for them to do if  he was too scared to talk to you alone? You kept your lazy eyes on the wall behind the older man as he went on and on and on....

"And now I'm late for work-"

"Then why are you still here?" You asked looking at him like he was the stupidest person on the planet.

"Be quiet! Now I need you guys to tell Juyeon-"

"Hey listen Sangyawn,  no one here really wants to hear you cry about a little girl so maybe you should go to work." You retorted but he continued speaking like you weren't there.

"She interrupted my shower session, my shower session!

"I don't know where Juyeon found her-"

"From my mom's vagina." You lazily answered making the five other boys snort or look at you with shocked faces. Sangyeon huffed and puffed, opened his mouth to say something but then quickly closed it, put his finger up then forcefully rolled it in with the rest of his fingers making a fist and humphed before grabbing his suit jacket and walking away.

All the boys watched in astonishment as Sangyeon stormed off and slammed the door shut behind him then turned to you with wide eyes, all except that Sunsomething guy, who was glaring at you.

"What?" You asked and they all broke out into sounds of amazement. "Dude, you just made Sangyeon malfunction." The one named Chanhee said, he's the one with bleach blonde hair and full round lips. You were slowly but surely knowing all their names.
"I can't even do that~" The one named Hyunjae said and Youngjae (although he was sometimes called Eric) finished his sentence for him. You'd only been around for a week now but you'd noticed how they did that often, and how freakishly similar their features almost were sometimes. You'd even asked if they were twins or related in some way but they weren't. A good way you were able to tell them apart was that one of them looked like he had not teeth.

"~No one here can do that~"

"~Only one person here can do that~"

They both turned their heads to face the boy who once called you a big head who smiled, he looked as though he was drowning in pride.

"Better watch out Sunwoo-

Right! That's his name.

"I think someone's coming for your savagery crown." Changmin said wiping Sunwoo's smug smile right off his face and slapping it on yours. You and Sunwoo held a heated eye contest for a good minute until he gave in and looked away.

"Trouble," Haknyeon called out to you making you turn to him. "I haven't seen you wearing the bracelet I gave you all week, you didn't lose it did you?" He asked in an innocent voice and you were debating if you should tell him that you didn't give two shits about a stupid bracelet but the better side of you told you not to. Plus everyone was glaring at you as if ready for you to slip up and say something that might hurt Haknyeon's feelings. Another thing you'd learnt is how protective all the boys in the house were of each other which you guessed wasn't such a bad thing.

"No I didn't lose it. I've been wearing it as an ankle bracelet but I forgot to put it on this morning after my shower." You lied right through your rotten teeth. You've lied so much in your life that now it just comes  out naturally and everyone believed you. Everyone except for Jacob, who, as always was sitting in the far corner of the room, looking at you sceptical.

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