Christmas Special! (Part One)

Start from the beginning


~ The next day~

The next day, I was woken up by an alarm. "Weird, I don't remember setting one," I thought as I rolled across my bed to get to my night stand. As I was halfway there, there was some sort of blockage. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed a random male in my bed. "Whoa, what the-" I quickly sat up and stared at the male. "Y/N~ I told you not to set an alarm," he suddenly whined. "He knows my name?! Yet I don't know his name, what the hell is going on here?!" I looked around. This was definitely the room I've been sleeping in ever since I moved out, so I wasn't kidnapped. I quickly pinched myself to see if it was some sort of dream but I felt pain, meaning I wasn't dreaming. This male right in front of me wasn't a dream, he's real and he knows my name. Maybe he's some type of stalker. I quickly got off the bed and rushed to the door. "No signs of break-in, then how the hell did he get in here?!" at this point I was scared and confused. I went around checking every window but there was no sign of a break-in. "There's no way he's been here this entire time. I've been living here for so long, maybe I'm going crazy," I was most definitely just losing my mind, maybe he's just a hallucination. I went back to my bedroom, he's still there. His body is covered with my blanket. "He has to be a ghost," I quickly walked to my bedside and poked him. My finger didn't move pass him and I did bumped into him as well when I attempted to turn off the random alarm.

He suddenly turned, now that I looked at him, he was handsome. "A handsome male wandered into my apartment and knows my name. How much sanity have I lost? Is it because of all this loneliness? I knew it'll get to me someday," I continued to stare at him. "Who are you?" I asked in an urgent tone. "Y/N, you know I don't like it when you do this sort of stuff," he yawned. "What's your name?" I demanded for answers and wasn't going to stall to get them. He stared at me, "Did my handsome face make your memory get wiped out?" In all honesty, I would lose myself in his eyes but that wasn't the point. "Yes, could you remind me who you are?" I asked slowly. He slowly started to sit up, when he fully sat up, he rubbed his head. "Seokjin, you know, your boyfriend that you've been with for three years now," he said. "Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend. I've been single for a long time. Also why would such a catch fall for me and want to date me? I'm merely a potato!" I thought. "Okay, Seokjin-" he interrupted me. "Why are you suddenly calling me by my name? What happened to that cute nickname you called me? I thought I was the only one who could call you by your name," he pouted. I blinked a couple of times, "Nickname?" "Could you... remind me? I seemed to have gotten lost... in your wonderful face structure," I said. Seokjin smiled brightly at my compliment.

"Who wouldn't be cast under this spell? My beauty is a curse, it even made my girlfriend forget such important details," Seokjin smiles happily to himself. "Is it just me or is he too confident and narcissistic?" I thought to myself. "You call me sweetie and it's so cute," he smiled. "Now that he says that... I remember hearing that word when I was asleep," I thought. There has to be an explanation to all of this. Then I remembered my little wish from last night. "Is this a way of Santa fulfilling my wish? Am I spending my days with Seokjin?" I thought. That would be nice to have someone to be with, and I wasn't denying a guy like Seokjin, not at all. Although it didn't make any sense, I'm going to roll with it since this seemed interesting. "So sweetie, will we be doing anything special today?" I asked like it was all an act. "I'm glad you ask, get changed because we're going shopping," Seokjin got up and kissed my forehead before heading to the bathroom. I had frozen once his lips touched my forehead. Slowly I placed my hand on my forehead, "That's new..."

~After shopping~

We had just finished shopping, and surprisingly enough the thing that held us back was Seokjin contemplating between two icings. "So what will we be making?" I asked as I watched him take out everything. "We're going to bake Christmas cookies!" he smiles, "You know, since Christmas is coming up." I nodded slowly, of course I knew, it was the day I dreaded the most. "Sounds fun," I smiled. Seokjin looked over at me before pinching my cheeks. "Y/N~ where's that Christmas spirit you always had, huh?" he asked. Well I stopped having one once I realized that I'll be forever alone. I only shrugged at his question though; I know he was talking about someone else and not me. "Come on, you're going to show me that great baking skills of yours," he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the stuff. I stared down at it; it's been a long time since I made Christmas cookies. "Let's get started, shall we?" Seokjin went off and got a big plastic bowl. Soon we were making the cookie dough. Later we rolled out the dough, and cut out shapes using the cookie cutters. Soon I was watching him spray the pan. "Do you want to put the cookies in here? I'll get another pan," he asked and I nodded. While he went to find another pan, I carefully placed the cookies down. As I was doing so, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I was shocked at first but then Seokjin pulled me closer to him. All I could feel was my face exploding with heat. "You've been off today... what's wrong?" he asked concerned.

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