A Return

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 The fall air had started to turn faster then he expected. The slight chill it had carried weeks ago was now a full-blown, bone-chilling wind. And while he had long been used to being cold to the touch, even the centuries-old vampire did not enjoy when a punch of ice cold air was sent towards his face.

The ash blonde grumbled, pausing outside the apartment complex and looking for the note he had written to himself that contained the keycode to unlock the front door. But as his single hand searched through all his pockets, he came up empty-handed.

It appeared he actually did add the four numbers into his device... that he left sitting on the counter in his apartment. Meaning he didn't have the code with him, nor the key to his apartment that he had been instructed to not lose. Well... it wasn't lost, just not on him.

Could anyone really blame him though? This was the first time in decades that he actually had a place to call home for longer than a few weeks. And seeing as over the past year, he had also gotten himself a girlfriend, who also was his soulmate... it was bound to happen... he was bound to move in and bring in his own stuff.

His toothbrush sitting next to yours in the bathroom, and his clothing in half of the closet and dresser space. And of course, the pair of shoes that sat next to his at the entrance way of the apartment. He really had made himself at home... and he wasn't upset about it. He had assumed that this glitter in his eyes of coming home to her would fade by this time... but it hadn't. In fact, his feelings had only increased... and he found his pace increasing slightly as he made his way home after a long day.

"Guess I'm using the veranda again..." He chuckled to himself, knowing how that was the way he originally got into her place all that time ago.

Glancing down at the plastic bag in his hand, he smirked to himself. His crimson hues wondering if she would remember this little item as much as he had... a memory of their first encounter. But then again... she was an idiot, so maybe seeing the carton of her favorite ice cream he had bought her would remind her.

He still wasn't a fan of the sweet shit, but she loved it. And she never did let it go that he threw it out when they met... and so, in hopes to silence her and her teasing about it... he wanted to try and shut her mouth. This time with a brand new carton of what he had thrown out.

Bakugou Katsuki had come a long way... from an isolated loner who could barely deal with the few people who tried to grow closer to him... to now being much friendlier and homely then even he thought possible. Of course, he was still him... but he no longer felt the need to try and go about things himself or live on the lamb like some bandit. He... liked how he lived, and the opportunities that arose for him.

Speaking of... next time fucking Deku asked for his help with some crisis in the supernatural world, he'd be sure to ask more questions. Questions like "Who else is fucking coming?" or "How long is this shit gonna take?"

He was irritated for many things... first that he had spent a week in the woods with that half-and-half, Deku, and the fairy who would not stop asking him personal questions. The second was that Deku had said two days... and so he brought enough blood for two days.

Well... it had turned into seven days. That moron not realizing how tricky it would be to deal with an endangered group of phoenixes and that hunters trying to kill them for their feathers. And so... he was at his limit now.

It had been five days since he had had any of her blood, and he knew that his sanity levels were starting to run dry. But, he was still pushing forward, walking into the alleyway under her apartment and gathering what little energy he had left. The freezer was filled with her blood, and he was craving a bag of the tasty red substance. He could last five more minutes... because by them, he could hold her in his arms again and silently say how much he missed her during this week of hell.

He sucked in a deep breath, positioning himself to jump, only to pause as someone came forward from the depths of the alley. Her pastel red dress and coy smile making him have a flashback to the last time her presence had graced his vision.

"Hello again." She cooed, making her way towards the vampire on the verge of a craving. "It's been too long."

Bakugou rose a lip at her. The illusion that his mind created... always looking exactly like her... but he knew it wasn't. His sanity holding much tighter now, knowing unlike the last time that he was going to be fine.

He accepted who she was long ago... and she accepted who he was.

The illusion blinked, opening her mouth slowly to stifle a laugh. A set of pointed fangs seen to his eyes, making him realize that she had changed as well... but from how she looked, it wasn't the same reason as last time that she was here now...

"Another close call, I see." She giggled. "It's a good thing that you and I are finally on good terms... don't you think?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes, turning back towards the female who was no doubt his mind trying to remind him of some bullshit he had already been aware of.

"I don't have time for your bullshit." He grumbled, turning to give the figment of his imagination one last glance before he left her in the dark. "So get lost."

And with that he was gone, leaving the girl in the red pastel dress to chuckle to herself once more. Her figure slowly starting to disappear again as he opened the door and came face to face with the real one.

But as she disappeared once more, a single chuckle escaped her lips for the final time, a few words escaping between the airy laugh.

"You've managed to come to terms with your feelings for her... but if you think your relationship is stable... then you are much more naive then even you think. Perhaps we'll see exactly where this relationship goes... and if you're able to stay with the one you love."

Eyes of (eye color) dulled out among the darkness, the only light being from a single apartment of two vampires who were catching up from their week apart. The feeling warm and inviting... but still rooted in something unsaid, and worries that would soon come to light.

Worries... that may cause a rift in a relationship that had struggled to bloom in the first place. After all... a bond can grow into a union... but a bond can also break under the right circumstances.

And for Bakugou Katsuki... a change was coming. One that could ruin every ounce of happiness he had found with you.... And the life you two had made together.

Blood Union, a 30 part sequel series to Blood Bond begins February 4, 2019

Blood Bond (Vampire Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now