Ch.4 - Friends: New, Old and Long Forgotten

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Ch.4 - Friends: New, Old and Long Forgotten

He sat with his head pressed against his hand, staring out the window as another plane drove its way onto the tarmac. Another one leaving meant another flight closer to him getting on his own flight.

He had finished his latest job and was excited to go back home. Though, from what he had been hearing through the grapevine... things might not be as stable as he had assumed.

His white hair was moved away from his eyes, as he cast a look down at the newest text message. A reminder that he was getting picked up later tonight when he got in. He could only hope things would hold out a little bit longer until he touched down.

And as his thoughts wandered to the girl from childhood he hadn't seen in over a decade... he could only hope the betraying move his father had done against her own hadn't cost her her life.

He had made his choice on sides after all... and right now... all that mattered was getting on board his plane. And as he got up to head towards where his group number was being called, he made sure the red locks were no longer on his face either.


"A MUGGING?!" Uraraka's voice called through your phone, making you retract the device from the volume. "YOU GOT MUGGED?!"

"Yes, but I'm fine." You spoke, a tad bit annoyed with her. "I was lucky enough that a good Samaritan scared the attacker away when they threatened to call the police."

"S-should I come over? There's no way you should be working today!"

"Uraraka relax. I'm fine, and if I'm being honest... working right now is the only thing keeping my mind off of things."

"A-are you sure? I mean you just got your phone back this morning... and you're lucky no one stole your wallet as well..."

"I am lucky, I'm well aware... but I also know that no one else is making income for me... and besides, I already made all these sweets!"

You forced yourself to laugh for Uraraka's sake. She could be quite the worrywart at times. And so, even if you were still a bit shaken up, you also did want to work.

"(Name)..." She grumbled.

"Alright fine. I'll take a lot of breaks today, okay?"

It was silent, Uraraka obviously thinking over the option. Finally, she spoke back up once more, giving into your demands. "Fine... but don't push yourself!"

The dinging of the bell of your door alerted you that you had a customer, and you glanced up to see three young individuals having entered the shop. They hung rather close to each other, glancing around and looking at you.

When they had been caught by you, they turned back to each other, whispering amongst themselves. You blinked, turning back to your phone conversation really quickly before you dealt with these new customers.

"I've got customers, Uraraka!" You told her. "I'll talk to you later."

And with that, you shut off your phone. By this time, two of the three had come close to the display case, while the third was quickly approaching the counter, hands in his pockets. He avoided eye contact and seemed a bit defensive currently, as did his two buddies.

"Can I help you three?"

"Are you the macaron girl?" He asked, seeing that his two friends had now moved near him.

"Yes? Any reason why?"

The three exchanged glances with each other, nodding together. And then made their way behind the counter and towards your side.

Blood Bond (Vampire Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Soulmate AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя