Ch.10- Halfway Through and My Feelings Remain Buried.

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Ch.10- Halfway Through and My Feelings Remain Buried.

(AN- Anyone spoiling the story at any part, or it's sequel, will have their comment deleted. Spoiling the story for other's isn't cool, and it's kinda upsetting to have to address this in the first place since it's started to appear in this book as of late. Reading the story and finding out the reveals yourself provides a much more enjoyable experience. So please don't ruin the story or the fun of reading for yourself and others by spoiling. Enjoy the read every one.)

"Huh? A concert?" You mumbled, twirling a strand of hair as you spoke. "When?"

"It's next Saturday night. At the cool bar near the rec. center? The one that has the 80's arcade machines inside?" The girl on the other end explained to you. "But yeah, I got a venue there... and would really appreciate it if I had some familiar faces in the audience."

"Hmmm." You nodded, though only you knew of it. "I think I'm free that night. I'd love to come to your show, Jirou!"

"Awe great!" The music-loving girl on the other side of the line told you, her tone sounding relieved and excited. "Uraraka and Midoriya are already coming and I think Tsuyu and Yaoyorozu as well!"

"But I have to ask a favor..." You mumbled, knowing your circumstances were no longer the same as they had been two weeks ago.

"Which is?" Jirou asked, tone sounding curious and a bit skeptical of what you were about to ask her.

"I... well.... Let's just say I need four extra spots..."

"Four? Wow... and I thought Midoriya asking for another one for his friend from out of town was weird. Why do you need four extra tickets?"

You sighed, knowing the reason fairly well. It was complicated after all... because well, these four individuals were complicated as well. Mostly because if you wanted to go... you needed to convince Bakugou to go.

And knowing Bakugou, spending a night out at some bar listening to music and around people he wasn't too keen on would more than likely get a 'no' out of your vampire bodyguard. Which meant there was no way he'd let you go out either... as he was the only one protecting you at night.

Sure Todoroki could... but he seemed to be occupied with something else as of late. The last two days since Bakugou had come back to his senses... Todoroki had been away, out hunting those he personally found wanting to cause you harm.

If it wasn't for Bakugou's terrifying face already having scared two more creatures away... you'd feel safe with just Todoroki. But alas... you also wanted Bakugou to stick around... mostly because you had started to grow a small liking to his personality.

Back on point, seeing as Bakugou was pretty much anti-social... you'd need someone else to be invited and nag him enough to tag along. And well... you could think of three other people who seemed to be able to do that.

Kirishima knew him the most, but having Mina and Kaminari there as extra incentive to get him to come along... it was the best option for you. And thus... you decided asking for four extra tickets would be a good idea.

"I've just recently met some people who I think would enjoy a night out and listening to some amazing music and vocals." You told her back, bubbly voice appearing.

"Hmm." Jirou chuckled. "Well... you do know how to compliment a girl, (Name). So I guess I can nab those spots for you... in fact, I'll just book a large booth for everyone who's going to come."

Blood Bond (Vampire Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Soulmate AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora