Ch.6 - The Inner Turmoil of One's Mind

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Ch.6 - The Inner Turmoil of One's Mind

Your fingers tapped against your arm gently as you looked in front of you, eyes squinting and trying to make a decision. You held a finger up, seeing if the painting matches up with the line of your finger, but you couldn't tell. The art, for all you knew or at least could guess, seemed to be straight. But without a second opinion or a second set of eyes, you couldn't tell.

You sighed, eyes wandering to the sliding glass door. It had been two days, and still, he never came back. You had no idea where he ran off to... or if he was alright... but then again he was over 400 years old and could take care of himself. Bakugou didn't need you to worry about him... and after all he said you, really weren't too keen on seeing him.

But then again... you were worried. That half of you that came from her and her worry for all always shining through despite how the other half of you that came from him tried to convince you to harden your heart. People died, people got hurt, people left without so much as a warning... that's just how life was. So why bother worrying about them when they so clearly didn't worry about you in return.

A heart was meant to care for those who deserved it... wasn't it? Not for every single strange person off the street. At least that's what you tried to convince yourself, but it didn't always seem to work out that way. You were inclined to care... you were by nature a person who worried about others no matter how little you knew them.

Your mind wandered back to the current reality when you heard a distinct knocking coming from the door. You shook the thoughts away and walked towards the entrance, pausing to look through the peephole before opening the door. With nearly two near-death experiences having occurred in the last week, you were being a bit more cautious at every turn. And with the slight paranoia having risen further since Bakugou left, you were definitely more prone to carry at least one stake on you now... because you never knew who would show up next.

To your luck, it appeared it was a friend this time around. Midoriya was standing outside your apartment door, shuffling a bit as he waited for you to open the door and allow him inside. You hummed to yourself, wondering if he was here to visit you or his childhood friend. Either way, you'd be happy for his company, as the last two days had been rather lonely.

Uraraka had said she was busy with some work, and while Mina had dropped by to say hello yesterday... you were still not too familiar with her to call her anything other than an acquaintance. Plus the pink haired shapeshifter had some other errands to run as well it appeared and she needed to leave as soon as she dropped off what she had made for you.

Without another thought, you opened the door and waved to your friend who was looking back at you with a matching smile. He seemed a bit distracted and even further antsy, however, causing you to look at him curiously as to what he could be hiding. Something in you saying it couldn't be bigger than the fact he was just as old as Bakugou and an alchemist who had created the legendary philosopher's stone... but after the week you've had... you wouldn't be surprised if yet another shock arrived.

"Sorry to drop by so suddenly... but... someone was getting a bit impatient to see you."

You blinked at Midoriya's words and he rubbed the back of his head and chuckled softly. He slowly rose a hand up and pointed to his right, making your eyes wander to the unseen figure who had been waiting just outside your field of vision. You inhaled a long breath, realization crossing your face as you saw the familiar and aged face of someone you hadn't seen in nearly ten years.

But his mismatched hair colors and eye colors were too infamous for you to have not recognized him or assumed he was someone else. No... this was definitely him. And despite how his white locks were tossed over his red ones, nearly burying them and that he was dressed in nearly all white himself... much different than the 14-year-old him you had seen last, you were positive.

Blood Bond (Vampire Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Soulmate AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora