Ch.17- Someone to talk to when times are tough... luckily I have many.

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Ch.17- Someone to talk to when times are tough... luckily I have many.

A month had passed sooner than you knew. With both you and Bakugou getting more used to your relationship and starting to fall into a comfortable line with it. Uraraka and you had started your weekly bad movie nights again. And even Midoriya had been stopping by more often to simply talk and spend time with you. Kirishima and Kaminari were often over to pester Bakugou, and Mina had been added to your girl's group.

Things just appeared to be falling into a perfect little order and everyone was settling into their new schedules and lives. However, due to how busy your free time had been as of late, you had fallen in love with your quiet bakery days. Nothing but sweets and dough making your sanity stay intact.

"We'll stop by again tomorrow!" Uraraka had spoken to you, Midoriya carrying the cake they had ordered from you yesterday.

"Enjoy the cake... and if you see Shou tell him I said hi." You waved the duo off as they waved back happily.

You watched them leave and glanced around the shop. Seeing that no other customers had come in, you ventured into the back to grab the water bottle you had left back there. Your throat was parched and you were craving a little sip of the cool liquid in the bottle.

As you were nearly finished taking a sip, you heard the bell chime and quickly made your way back out. You cleaned your hands on your apron to rid them of the flour and then put on a bright smile.

"Welcome in!" You told the tall figure standing by the display case. "How may I help-"

Your tongue froze in your mouth as the man looked up at you, his hues of (eye color) meeting yours. His face older than it had been five years ago but despite this... he still seemed to radiate that vengeful aura he had always had since your days of youth.

"Father..." You breathed out, biting your cheek to hold your tongue.

"Is that really all you have to say?" He sighed, pacing around towards where the checkout counter was and looked around himself once more. "I always expected too much of you."

You held your words back once more, knowing full well it wasn't worth your time to say anything to him. He looked at you before scoffing and drumming his fingers against a counter. The sound nostalgic for you, as he would always do this when he was trying to form the words to tell you how disappointed in you he was.

"When most children run away... it's to go on an adventure... not to some city to become a baker." He scolded you. "You're wasting your potential."

"I'm not wasting anything. I'm doing what I want to do."

"Is what you want to do hang out with a thieving fairy and dissatisfactory negotiator..." He rose a brow at you observing how your facial features momentarily flashed anger.

"Excuse me?" You snapped.

"You heard me, child." Your father continued. "Fairies... no matter how they come to be will eventually stab you in the back. They act sweet and innocent until you let your guard down enough... and when you do they'll take everything from you. They are the type of beings to think if they trick you, then they deserve the materials they take. The one that came here today, for example, gets a small amount of her magic from sweets... and you go and make her an entire cake."

"For your information, father." You shook your head in disbelief. "Uraraka bought that cake with her own money she gets from her freelance photography... and she bought the cake, not for herself... but for her and Midoriya's anniversary of becoming a team."

Blood Bond (Vampire Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Soulmate AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat