Ch.8- The Isolating Loneliness of Two

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Ch.8- The Isolating Loneliness of Two

A few hours had passed with some minor healing and silence. It had been decided that everyone would need time to treat their own wounds before the plan to help save Bakugou from his own vampire biology was formed.

And so everyone sat in silence: some awake, some passed out, some in comfort, others in unsettled resolves. It seemed like time had slowed down significantly as the only sound was the soft pattering of rain.

And then it ended.

The front door was being pounded against harshly, making everyone inside the small apartment jump at the sudden sound. You got up from helping tie Kirishima's last bandage around his wound.

Todoroki held out a hand in front of you as you paced towards the door. His silver and blue orbs looking at you with seriousness for a moment. You nodded to him slowly, asking for him to trust you. He sighed and allowed you to go to the door, keeping himself close to you like a shadow.

You opened the door and soon gasped as you were pulled forward. Todoroki jumped after you, throwing the door harshly against the wall as he reached to snag his childhood friend back. She was not leaving his sight... not for one moment.

However, when he saw a puffy mop of pink hair embracing you tightly, he paused, looking at the new girl who had arrived onto the scene. You hugged her back, sensing how afraid she must have been for her friends.

"Thank you for watching those idiots..." Mina mumbled. "Kaminari is reckless, Kirishima dives in without thinking and Bakugou is always a ticking time bomb."

You nodded and gently pulled away from the pink haired girl, her skin pale and her eyes missing that black tint. Mina smiled at you as you ushered her into your home. She stole a glance at the strange-haired boy next to the door as she entered.

"Who's Prince Zuko?" She asked you once the door had been shut and you had entered the living room with her.

"Todoroki Shouto. A very good friend from my childhood, and a hunter." You answered, only to see Mina's face go dark for a moment, fear taking over. "He's friendly despite how he acts... I promise, Ashido."

"Do I not look friendly?" Todoroki asked, thinking about how he could have come off as such. As far as he knew and assumed... he was just as friendly, if not a little less vocal, than Midoriya was.

"You have a special way of being friendly, Shou." You nodded to him. "One that not everyone understands."

"Oh." Was his curt answer.

Mina chuckled lightly, already feeling much better. Todoroki seemed nice, if not a bit aloof, but seemed to hold no ill intent towards her for him being a hunter. She was safe, meaning everyone else would be as well.

"Ashido!" Kirishima called, as the pink haired girl walked into the room. "Thank God you're okay..."

Mina immediately went over to the injured werewolf and the barely conscious incubus. The boys smiled gently at her, only to immediately shriek when she smashed both her hands onto their heads. The boys groaned, glancing at Mina's ticked off face.

"You're lucky you lived... cause I would have killed you if you died..." She snapped, stomping her foot. "You reckless idiots... look what your fighting did to poor (Name)'s apartment!"

"Not like we wanted to fight... Baku lost it!" Kaminari mumbled, turning his head to the side.

Mina looking to Kirishima who had gone quiet. His red hair was seen to her, his face looking downward at his feet. Mina frowned, sitting on Kaminari's lap, but facing Kirishima. Kirishima looked at her, eyes strained and pained.

Blood Bond (Vampire Bakugou Katsuki x Reader - Soulmate AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat