Ch.3- The Landlord Will Find Out Eventually...

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Ch.3- The Landlord Will Find Out Eventually...

"Are you sure it's just a burn?" The brown-haired woman asked you, puffing her lips out as she continued to glance at the two small circle bandaids covering your neck.

"Yeah, burnt my neck this morning with the hair iron." You spoke, continuing to box up the treat for your friend. "Stop worrying, Uraraka. I'm fine."

"If you say so..." She hummed, seeing you pass her treat over to her.

The bubbly brown beamed and slid you the cash plus a good tip for fulfilling her sweet tooth. She was nearly drooling at the perfectly decorated pink cupcake with an animal cracker sticking out of the frosting.

"I'm guessing the circus cupcake is your favorite?" You chuckled, seeing as she was here every time you made this certain irregular cupcake.

Uraraka nodded, smiling happily at the treat she'd be enjoying later today. "Of course! Soft and moist vanilla cake with the airiest pink frosting coated with sprinkles and a cute animal cookie to top it off~ Your baking is heavenly!"

You laughed, waving her off. Her compliments were always a bit over the top but always appreciated. She was more than likely your best customer, if not your closest friend.

The door to the small bakery chimed, making you immediately look upward to see that someone new had come walking in. He shuffled in, doing his best to hide his cold face in his scarf, as the weather had taken another stormy turn. Summer seems to not be here just yet.

"Welcome to- Ah! Midoriya Izuku!" You waved, seeing that yet another friend had decided to visit you today.

"Uraraka-san. (Last Name)-san." He smiled softly, shuffling closer to the display case and peering inside. "Ah! You have fairy cookies today!"

"Yeah, it is Friday after all." You smiled, knowing this boy was about to buy a few of his favorite as well.

"That's right, you only make them on Fridays." Uraraka mumbled next to you, finger tapping her chin in thought. "Alright! Gimme one of your fairy cookies too! I'm in a sugary mood today!"

"I'll do a half dozen." Midoriya ordered after the brown-haired girl. "I have company arriving tomorrow, so I thought I might as well get some extras."

"Oh? What kind of company, Midoriya?" You teased him, knowing how easily flustered Midoriya could be.

"A-ah just an old friend!" Midoriya waved his hands back and forth. "No one special I-"

He paused as you turned to grab a box to put his cookies in, the pair of light brown circles seen on your neck. He blinked, worry growing in his heart that you had gotten injured. Sensing his sudden worry and lack of speaking, you looked back at the green haired man.

"You okay? Not like you to not be a chatterbox, Midoriya."

He stiffened, looking at Uraraka who shrugged her shoulders. She had no idea what was wrong with him, and as a result could be no help to him. Midoriya looked back up at you, clearing his throat.

"What happened to your neck?"

You blinked, looking at him in slight surprise. He looked back at you, forest orbs full of concern and slight suspicion. Always like Midoriya to worry about his friends and drop everything else at the slightest abnormal occurrence on them.

"Why are my hair iron burns everyone's concern today?" You deadpanned, bending down and scooping the sugar cookies into the small carton and tying it with a light blue ribbon.

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