Ch.12- Time seems to be the one thing I don't have enough of these days

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Ch.12- Time seems to be the one thing I don't have enough of these days

"Touya." The deeper voice spoke, ruffling the red locks of the younger being. "You truly are just like me... aren't you?"

The young child looked up at his father with a curious look, not entirely sure what he meant by that. The words he spoke seemed to be one of kindness and pride...but... why did it not feel like that? Why... did those words seem to be held back by a venomous tongue?

"It's a pity really..." The father continued, dropping his hand from the small child's head. "'d only get hurt."

"N-no I won't!" The cerulean eyed child cried. "I-I can be as strong as you! As brave as you! I-I can be just like you!"

The older man sighed, turning and looking down at his son with fiery eyes. And with a simple flick of his hands, the child was pushed away from him. The muffled cry of his body hitting the ground as the adult began to walk away.

"That's the issue... you're too much like me. You have nothing of your mother's... your brother Shouto though... now he's come out perfectly. It's a shame that it took this many tries... you and your siblings could have inherited the same world as we did... if you had come out right."

The child's eyes widened, a bitter understanding forming in his mind. The gears turning at a vicious cycle, making the young boy look down at his pale and untouched arms... the color the only thing of his mother's... this pale sickly skin color.

"Then...I don't want to be like you at all... and one day... I'll destroy everything you've worked for."


"It's been a while, hasn't it?" The dark-haired man spoke. "Last time I saw you was when you were thirteen... and now look at you... ten years later, younger brother."

Todoroki's eyes narrowed, not glancing too far to let you leave his vision. Your form still collapsed and unresponsive in his arms. Your skin was paling and beginning to look a bit green. How long had it been now?

"If you're curious... I put that little orb into her neck about 5 minutes ago." Dabi smiled towards the duo. "Amazing how fast the souls of the damned try to take over a human form, huh?"

"Shut your damn mouth, you fucking burnt raisin!" Bakugou growled, standing up as Todoroki continued to cradle you.

He wasn't sure what he hated more at this moment... the half angel who was holding you like he was your lover... or his fucking mental brother who had made you this way in the first place.

However as his pair of rubies saw your mouth viciously bite down on your lip enough to cause a trail of blood to leak from your plump pink lips... he knew exactly who would be getting to meet his fists today.

Dabi smirked, slow realization and distant memories helping him place who their mystery fourth party member was. And knowing the tales of his short temper... would it be so wrong to push a few more buttons for this girl he seemed to care so much for?

"You're aware then, I assume?" Dabi laughed. "How after an hour of having those special little soul orbs inside a human makes the damage irreversible?"

Bakugou's form stiffened, eyes widened before narrowing to a fierce crack. His teeth grinding and palms balling up as the heat began to build from within them. This bastard... wanted to keep them here as long as possible... to make sure you got hurt... to in turn make sure his younger brother got hurt.

"You fucking bastard... I'll murder you!" The vampire roared, rushing forward and extending an open palm.

A small one... one small little burst of energy and this will all be over with. If he controlled his emotions and his anger... then both you and that damned half-angel should be safe. All he had to do was remain calm.

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