"Yeah, we'll plan the wedding later. I have.. guests." He sighed before he hung up. Wedding? He noticed my questioning look which made him smile. His eyes twinkled, the boys smirked, trying to hold in their chuckles.

"Someone is thinking of Perrie." Louis called out. I chuckled at him which made him brake his thoughts. He sat down beside Emma and me. Harry finally came back with an angry look on his face. I got up, walking up to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, holding onto his arm. He looked away from me, grunting.

"Why would you care?" He shot, I released my hand from his arm. He stomped out of the room, leaving me standing. I rose both of my eyebrows from his little outburst. I shrugged my shoudlers and walked back to Emma.

"Don't mind him, he needs to work out his own problems." Michael told me. I nodded, curiousity getting the best of me when I kept wondering what got him angry.

We talked while we waited for time to pass. I got to meet Lou, who was their stylist. Her daughter, Lux, was so adorable. We exchanged goodbyes since she had to get her stuff ready.

"Shit, it's 6:30!" Niall yelled as he grabbed his phone and ran out the door. I playfully rolled my eyes at him. All the boys ran out, including Zayn who kept shifting his eyes at me. Emma and me got up, walking towards the warddrope area.

"So, which clothes did you choose out for them?" Emma questioned me as I walked over to the racks. I chose out a leather jacket and a white tee for Zayn, a red shirt for Liam, black shirt for Louis, a grey tee for Niall with a black jacket on top, and for Harry I chose a plaid unbuttoned shirt with a white shirt underneath. For bottoms, I chose black jeans.

"I don't undertstand how you do makeup. It's not like they need mascara and eyeliner." I teased her which earned a playfull glare from her. Lou came in, giving us a warm smile.

"I can't thank you guys enough for covering my shift today. It's just that no one can look over for Lux." We nodded, assuring her it's fine. She handed us two cups of coffee, which we thanked her for it. It was now 6:40, leaving twenty minutes until the concert starts.

"Wow, it's already packed!" Louis exclaimed as he entered the room, others following behind. Emma started applying powder on Liam's face while I assorted their clothing out. Since the other boys were waiting, I decided to let them change.

"A leather jacket? You know me so well." Zayn smiled, rolling his eyes. I let out a chuckle and pushed him into the dressing room. Emma was rushing the makeup, I could tell from her concetration.

"Need help?" I asked, he answered by furiously nodding her head up and down. I pulled another chair next to the mirror and got the extra makup kit out. I looked over at the boys, who were all dressed now. I picked out who to do first.

"Niall! Sit." I patted the seat. He walked over, smiling at me. But something was wrong. I didn't see the usual spark of happiness in his eyes. I'm going to have to talk to him after the show. I applied the powder on Niall's face, touching up of any noticable blemmishes. He wrinkled his nose when I brushed over his nose. I placed the brush down and patted his shoudler. He got up, slumping back to the couch.

"Who's left?" I asked Emma who was applying makeup to Luke. She pointed to the couch, where Ashton, Harry, Louis, and Calum were. I called for Calum, patting the chair. He sat down, smiling at the mirror.

"So, are we your first clients?" He asked as I brushed over his cheeks. I nodded, even though his eyes were closed.

"Yeah, I'm a big fan of you guys." His smile grew, making me return it. I checked twice, making sure no blemishes were showing and the makeup was even on his face, because you don't want different tones on your skin. I tapped his shoudler, telling him I'm done.

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