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"Oh shit" I say. I don't know what I'm supposed to do!

"Ight I'm gonna pick you up and imma take you to the hospital ok?" I ask him. He nods sadly. I knee down to pick him up. I carry him down the steps slowly as he rest his face in my chest with tears streaming down his face. Quincy please stay in n the living room, pleas stay in the living room! But I guess today isn't my day because there he was at the bottom of the steps looking dead at me.

"Yo you-" he stops taking when he looks closely to the situation in front of him. I start to shake my head.

"Nah! WHAT THE FUCK YOU DO TO MY LIL BROTHER?!?!?!" He shouts as he walks closer to us.

"It's not what it looks like! Quincy calm down" I try to tell him to calm him down but it doesn't work. He seems to get angrier. He try's to scoop Kim out of my arms but Kim winces in pain. Quincy face twists in confusion.


I look all over Kim body but I don't find a bruise or nothing. What is he wincing for? I looked every wh- his ass? I look at his ass and there is blood staining his shorts. My head snaps up to Darion who's face is starting to change into one of fear and panic. I snatch my brother from his arms and don't even care about the hiss Kim lets out.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" I shout at Darion with my eyes full of rage.

"Quincy that's-" he try's to explain but I cut him off.

"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT AND TAKE YOUR FUCKING STUFF WITH YOU!!" I shout at him before turning away from him with Kim in my arms. I look down at my brother and his eyes are closed. I lay him on the couch on his stomach so I won't put pressure on his wound. I pace around the living room waiting for Darion to leave. I hope he didn't rape my brother and I'm just overacting. But just Incase he is lying he has to go. I hear the door open and close then his car start up. I pick my phone up and call my mom.

"Mom you gotta meet me at the hospital right now Kim got hurt but I don't know what happened!" I say and hang up not waiting for a response. I hurry and scoop Kim off of the couch.

At hospital...
I'm sitting in the hospital room with my brother who is laying in the bed his bleeding got heavier while we was in the car on the way here so he lost a lot of blood and he passed out. My mom went to the 'restroom' as she calls it I'd rather say bathroom. There is a knock on the door and two 12's walk in. I don't like the cops one bit but since I'm here for my bro I'm not gonna show out.

"Are you the brother of the hospital patient?" One of them asks. I nod in response.

"Ok well I'm officer barrel and this is officer Cooper. Ok do you mind if we ask you a few questions about what happened?" The barrel guy asks. I explain what happened when I got there in my point of view but I kept my eyes on my brother and avoided eye contact.

"So you think your best friend may have rapped your little brother?" They ask. I shake my head.

"I don't want to think that though! I know he wouldn't do something like that" I say

"Well we will figure it out in court" barrel says.

"We will be back in a lil to speak with your brother" Cooper says before they both exit. The only thing in my mind was 'Darion better have the judge saying "not guilty"'.

1 week later
I haven't told anyone about what happened at quincy house because I'm to afraid of what they will say or think. I haven't been to the hospital because I'm afraid to face quincy. I don't know Why though when I'm not guilty of rapping Kim.

"Darion get down here now!" I hear my dad yell. Uh oh.

"Yeah?" I ask when I get down the stairs. I notice a paper in my dad hand that is on his hip.

"Wanna tell us anything?" He asks. I look at my other dad who is looking at me with disappointment.

"N-No" I stutter out. What's on the paper?

"What's on the paper?" I ask, speaking my thoughts.

"I don't know maybe a court date for a lil boy named Darion" my dad says sarcastically but not with a slight sign of humor.

"What for?" I ask confused.

"I don't know you tell us because apparently you know since it is your court date" dad says. My brothers walk in the house being loud with our cousins following behind them but they quiet down when they see the scene in front of them. I shake my head with tears filling up in my eyes. They wouldn't press charges would they? I ignore everyone's stares and run back up the stairs and slam my door shut before locking it.

Court date...
I stayed in my room like my life depended on it Dari bought me my food and since it's spring break there is no school. I haven't tried to talk to quincy at all because the guilt of even sleeping with his brother was eating me up. Today is the day when I go to court. I've been dreading this day every since I found out the date. All my family is gonna be there. I haven't told anyone what happened and why the court date is needed.

At court...
(A/N: I don't know how court goes because I haven't been to court but I have watched some court shows so sorry if this is not how court goes)

I look at Kim who looks better than when I last saw him. He noticed me looking but didn't look away. He looked at me with a look of sympathy. So that means he didn't call for court to be needed. His mom probably did because she doesn't like me because of how my dads are. I thought she did until I explained to her I had two dads.

"We are here today for Darion junior Cullen and Kmitrius Foose." The judge says. I look back at my family who are looking lost. Then I look at quincy and he looks at me with a look of hope. I bet he's hoping I didn't rape his brother, which I didn't.

"Miss. Foose claims that her son Kimitrius was raped by Darion Cullen" I hear the gasps come from my family. I can feel them staring at me but I don't turn to look at them.

"Is there any witnesses for the plaintiff?" The judge continues.

"Yes the plaintiffs brother, Quincy Scolder" the lawyer for Kim says. Quincy goes up to the stand thing.

"How did you find your brother when you got home?" Kim's lawyer asks quincy.

"I didn't see him but I heard what sounded like someone falling. Darion told me to stay downstairs and then he left to go upstairs and returned with my brother who was crying before his eyes closed. I checked his body looking for any sign of hurt but didn't find one until I looked at his rear end where there was blood on his shorts and the bleeding continued." On a screen to the side of the room showed a picture of Kim in his shorts but he was in a hospital bed.

"Where were you at if you weren't home?" The lawyer asks.

"I was hanging out with my girl friend"

"No more questions"

"What is your stance on this?" The judge asks me.

Chapter 17 coming up next...

Best Friends Brother(book number 2) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now