Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Hazel's POV

The questions come tumbling out of my mouth before Louis can pull the car out of the train station lot.

"What's happened?"

"She's had a bit of a spill I'm afraid," Jack replies.

"A spill?"  I stupidly repeat.

"Yes, a spill."

"Well is she alright?"

"I should think she'll be just fine."

"A fall?" I ask again, my brain overwhelmed by Gran, Jack, and the worried look on Louis' face.

"Yes," Jack replies slowly. A faint smile pulls at the corner of his mouth. I blink back the strange knot it puts in my stomach.

"If it's just a fall why is she at the hospital?" I ask.

"Driver," Jack says to Louis. "Would you happen to have any more information that might soothe Ms. Chapman?"

"I'm afraid I wasn't there when it happened Friday night," he says, his eyes darting between the road and my worried gaze in the mirror. Guilt takes physical form as a lump in my throat. "I only learned of it when I started my shift on Saturday. Had to take Mr. Williams to the hospital to visit her.  I'm very sorry I don't know much more than that."

"No, no," I sigh. "I understand. I'm sorry to be a bother."

"You're never a bother, Hazel."

At the slip of my name, Jack's head turns sharply. He shoots an inquisitive look at Louis and then at me. I quickly look out the window, hoping to avoid any possible questions. My stomach suddenly lurches when the weight of his heavy hand lands on top of my own. 

"I'm sure your Grandmother is in good hands, Ms. Chapman," Jack says. 

"Thank you for your concern," I reply curtly. I snatch my hand out from under his causing him to chuckle.

I swiftly fold my arms against my chest and look out the window, trying my best to stop whatever this feeling is from nearly bursting out of me. Yet, without really noticing, my body is pulled towards Jack. 

Why is he here? How long is he here? Why on earth does he seem to be constantly smirking?

My gaze drifts along the edge of the back seat, over his hands that lay draped across his lap, up the shiny black buttons of his well pressed coat and fall right into the trap of his deep blue eyes. He smiles and my stomach does a small flip.

"What?" I stammer. Bemusement and pride dance in the shadows of his sharp features and, as if on cue, Jack lets out a small laugh. 

"Good grief, what?" I snap, well aware that I'm overreacting. "What on earth is so funny to you?" 

"Ms. Chapman, I wonder. Would you care for me to tell you when you've gone bright red or would you rather I just let you have a heart attack?"

My eyes instinctively narrow.

"Heart attack it is, then." He leans back against the seat, adjusting the front of his wool coat.

"You know, you've got some nerve."

"Oh, Ms. Chapman," he says, pointing to his cheeks. "A touch red."

"And would you look at that," Louis interjects uncomfortably, "we've made it in one piece."

Jack ducks slightly to stare out the window at the daunting building in front of us. I lean back and close my eyes, trying my hardest to regain my focus on what really matters- Gran.

When I open my eyes, I'm struck by the shift in Jack's demeanor. While playful a minute ago, Jack's settled into a quiet focus. Without warning, Jack's eyes tear away from the window and fall right into mine.

Gently, he says to me, "It'll be alright, Ms. Chapman."

Before I can fully process the whiplash of Jack's sudden lack of mockery, Louis rips open the door.

"Right this way, miss."

"Yes, of course," I stutter. I quickly scramble out, but not before Jack's hand takes hold of mine.

"What are you doing?" I snap.

"I'm coming with you."

"N-No," I stammer. 

"Really, it isn't-"

"No," I say more firmly this time. 


The sound of my name only confuses me further, convincing me that he's up to something again. Desperate to get away, I dash out of the car and without much thinking, I practically run through the fog and up the stoney steps to the hospital's front entrance. 

As soon as my feet hit the last step, a breathy, "Ms. Chapman!" rings out.

I turn, and thankfully, discover Louis trotting after me.

"Just a moment, Miss," he calls out. I wait a moment for him to catch up, smiling awkwardly as two nuns pass by. 

"Christ, Harry was right. You really do have legs like lightening," he chuckles, still catching his breath. My heart swells. "You alright there?" he asks me. 

I shake my head as I look up to the sky.

"I'm fine," I lie. "I just need to know what's gone on." 

"I'm real sorry about picking you up with that fellow."

"You gonna survive driving him around?" I ask.

"I've only got him for a few miles. Harry's the one who will have to report to him daily."

My stomach finds itself tied into somehow an even bigger knot than before. Before I can say anything about the matter, I'm cut off by a loud "Excuse me!"

Louis and I look over to see Jack calling from the car.

"Shouldn't we let the young lady on her way?" he hollers.

"Right away, sir!" Louis calls back. He turns his back to Jack, and with a grimace mutters to me, "Listen, I've got to drive Mr. Lovely to the factory, but I'm to be back here by the end of the hour." He peers over his shoulder quickly. When he looks back at me, his eyes lock with mine and whispers, "Should I get Harry?"

Harry. How I ache to be in his arms, but I know better than to give in right now.

"I've been such a hassle as of late," and despite my yearning, I say, "I don't want to put him in any further a situation. Jack will just make it harder on him."

"I'm sure he's clever enough to make up an excuse to come see you."

"He is very clever," I concede with a small smile. "But I can figure this out. I'm sure it'll be alright. You just help Harry get through that basket of nonsense over there. He'll need you." 

Louis' mouth lifts into a little grin.

"Am I to understand that someone finally recognizes who's the real brains around here?"

"Your words, not mine," I say, smiling.

Once again, Jack interrupts us, calling out, "Driver! Can we please get a move on?"

"My apologies, sir!" Louis shouts over his shoulder. He begins to walk backwards towards the car, and with his back still turned to Jack says to me, "Consider it done."

"Thank you," I mouth.

He tips his hat and spinning around, calls out, "Back in a jiff, Ms. Chapman!"

I don't wait to watch Louis drive away. Instead, I charge up the rest of the steps and into the hospital.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें