Chapter Thirty

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"You're something else," I complain after a moment of silence.

"I was just about to say the same about you," he smiles wickedly back.

"You don't even know me. You just want under my skin," I huff, looking away as he stares down at me. Annoying as he is, there's still something intimidating about him that makes me nervous.

"It's not your skin I want under.." I stop dancing immediately and pull back, shocked by his rude comment. "Oh relax, darling, I'm only joking with you," he rolls his eyes as he tries to pull me back by the waist. Of course, it's this moment that Gran spots us and walks over.

"Oh look at you two! What a perfect little couple," I cross my arms, angry once again by Jack's pushy nature and how blindly Gran seems to fuel it.

"The music is marvelous," Jack tells her.

"I just wish they had a singer! You know, Hazel, here has a lovely voice." I cringe inside as she tries to sell me like a business pitch.

"Ah, you should show us a little diddy then, Hazel," Jack says, mischief flashing in his eyes.

"That's a wonderful idea!" Gran beams.

No, no it is not.

"No," I quickly shut them down, my hands nervously flailing in front of me. Both of them stare at me with smiles that clearly indicate that neither one of them heard me.

"No, absolutely not," I repeat more seriously this time.

"Come on, Hazel! Let's show everyone what a gem you are," Gran beams.

"I know I'd like to see her shine," Jack adds, and I shoot him a glare for his stupid comment. He only seems to get a kick out of my anger though as he begins to chuckle to himself. I turn back to Gran who already looks way too excited at the idea of me embarrassing myself in front of everyone.

"Gran, really," I begin to beg, finally landing on an excuse other than explaining my anxiety, "I don't even know a song."

"How about, 'I'm Just Wild About Harry,'" Jack says, the glint in his eyes more wicked than anything. "I quite love that one," he says to Gran with a little nod. I hate him.

Gran stares inquisitively at him for a moment, but shakes it off quickly as she replies, "Perhaps, that's a fun tune."

"No." I state, "I won't do it." I shift my weight between both feet, firmly planting myself to the ground in protest.

"Hazel, I'm not going to let you just hide back here all night. Come on now," Gran grabs me by the arm and begins dragging towards the front of the room, failing to stop her as I literally drag my heels.

"Gran, please, stop!" I whisper harshly, my heart starting to beat wildly. I cannot stand the thought of being in front of absolutely everyone, let alone singing in front of them. I've had stage freight all my life, and tonight is not the night I plan on overcoming it.

"Hush, hush" she ignores my pleading.


Why won't she listen to me?

"Everyone," she begins to call out. Slowly the room quiets down making the heavy beating of my heart feel as loud as a thunder storm. "Everyone, our lovely Hazel here is going to entertain us with a song. Isn't that right Hazel?"

I can't bear to look up. The idea of actually looking out into the sea of faces all judging me is too much. I feel Gran leave my side and soon the band begins to play the damn song, only when its my turn to come in, I continue to just stare at the floor.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now