Chapter Seventeen

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*Harry's P.O.V*

"Sorry to pull you away so soon, Hazel," Mr. Williams says to his niece as he walks out of the office.  "Your Grandfather I think just needs a little rest at home." 

The more senior Mr. Williams hobbles behind him, his face ashen. 

"Of course, of course," Hazel replies gently. God, her voice is like an angel's. Its so soft and sweet, warm with just the slightest edge of a breathy coolness. 

Hazel's eyes are wide with concern, but all I can think about is their warm cinnamon brown color. She twists her long neck ever so slightly and catches me staring at her. I shake my head trying to regain composure, shifting my weight to look like I was just fidgeting and not contemplating the color of her eyes. When I look over at Louis, I can see that his mouth is pressed into a thin smile and I know he is trying his damnedest to keep from laughing at me. 

I shoot him a stern glare, my jaw tightening. I almost wish I hadn't forced both him and Niall to join me that night at the dance hall. 

I'm useless around this girl. Hazel is hands down the most beautiful gals I've ever laid eyes on. The first time I saw her nearly knocked me off my feet for heavens sake. I've seen pretty girls before, but when I saw Hazel standing there, demure and strong, small wisps of blonde hair caught in the October breeze, it was like breathing for the first time. Her round cheeks were flushed a perfect pink and her dark long lashes fluttered like a butterfly over her honey eyes. 

And I stood their like a fat-head desperately trying to think of something to say to her.

I can't explain it, but I was desperate to see her again. I'd even come up with ridiculous excuses to go over to Williams' Estate just to catch a glimpse of her. Naturally with my luck I was only able to sneak tiny glances of Hazel's rustling skirt and locks of golden wavy hair.  I was mesmerized by the simple elegance of her kissable neck and the graceful way she moved about her chores.

When Mr. Williams let it slip that his niece was going to a dance last week, I knew I had to see her. I ended up convincing Niall and Louis to join me so I wouldn't look like the stalker I really am. Of course, now that Louis clearly knows how bad I have it, as well as the fact that Hazel's a Williams', I'm sure he'll never let it down.

"Right this way, Miss," Louis' leads Hazel back to the car. 

"Thank you so much for your help, Harry." The senior Mr. Williams says, in between a dry coughing fit.

"Any time, Mr. Williams," I reply, trying to keep my voice as unaffected as possible. He nods slightly, holding an embroidered handkerchief up to his lips.

The four of them get settled into the posh car and I stand there in the damp courtyard feeling like a wet dog. Hazel turns to face me through the window, sharing a tiny, yet sweet smile. I shift uncomfortably, unsure of how to show her how badly I need to be near her and yet remain professional in front of her family.

I peer down at my shifting feet as the dirt turns slightly muddy, squeezing the back of my neck to relieve the growing tension. I look back up at her, my mouth pulling into an inadvertent smile. Hazel's thick eyebrows settle as her delicate smile lights up her face. Even on this cloudy day, I can feel the warmth of sunshine when she looks at me. 

Oh god, I do have it bad. 

Louis tips his hat to me with a smirk.That cheeky bastard. I laugh under my breath as I rub my upper lip to cover up my own grin.

He turns the car out of the car park and the weight I've carried for the past few days returns. 

I feel heavy when she is away. I'm buried down by worries of mother and father's farm, trying my hardest to prove my worth here at the factory, and most recently pushing the thought of war to the farthest corners of my mind. 

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now