Chapter Twenty One

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Hazel's P.O.V

"You're such a slow eater, sheesh," Harry teases me as we sit in the tiny booth of the lit up soda shop window. I playfully stick out my tongue at him, earning the most delightful chuckle.

I can't believe how crowded it is in here; nearly every counter seat is occupied. A group of girls huddle around each other squealing as a group of young fellas in the back of the store try to grab their attention. Couples stare dreamily into each other eyes while scores of friends seem to catch up with one another. It's a lovely sight to see all this living. Especially, since it comes as a stark contrast to the life I've been having recently.

My attention is brought back to my ice cream in front of me, though, as Harry attempts to steal a swipe.

"Hey! I'm still working on that!" I playfully nudge his spoon away with my own, the clinking of our tiny sword fight making us both laugh.

"Are not. You eat like a bird."

"Insults will get you no where, Mr. Styles." I crinkle my nose at him playfully. "Besides, you wouldn't believe how much I can eat. It may take me awhile, but boy I'll get there!" I protest in laughter, taking another small bite. 

However, as soon as I hear the words roll out of my mouth, I can feel my cheeks begin to burn red. 


I'm not supposed to say that, am I?

Harry surprises me though, and instead of gawking at me, immediately turns around and waves to the man working behind the counter. "Yes, sir! We're going to need about a gallon more of this stuff!"

"Harry, no!"

Harry looks over to me and grins wider. "Make it two!"

"Stop, please!" I gasp as my own laughter betrays me. I have to swat his arm down to finally let me be.

"Alright, alright," Harry throws his hands up in defeat, his cheeky smile teasing me. "I'm just saying Roses, I'll feed you as much ice cream as you like for as long as you like."

"My hero," I mock.

"Well I do have an ulterior motive," his eyebrows raise slightly as a smug grin grows.

Harry leans slightly forward, eyes sparkling from the string of lights above us. "I'm just wondering if you can get any sweeter than you already are."

An uncontrollable snort and cackle come out of my mouth. I immediately cover my lips with both hands, but I can't control my laughter as I lean back in my chair. Harry's corny line is ridiculous, but it's his proud smile that sends me over the edge into a fit of laughter.

"What?" Harry throws his arms wide in bewilderment. His high pitched voice is the most comical sound I've ever heard. My wild laughter only grows. "What did I do?"

"You must fashion yourself some ladies man!"

"I do no such thing." The gleam in his eyes give his lie away.

"You're trouble and you know it and you love it." I reprimand him through an uncontrollable grin.

Harry gives his broad shoulders a simple shrug, his suspenders shifting slightly, highlighting his muscular arms. He must know how enamored I am because his smug grin only grows. I roll my eyes slightly, but lean closer wanting to close the space between us. 

"Alright, alright new topic," he chuckles. "Story time. How about that lady right there," Harry points out the window.

I smile at him coyly before turning to look outside. I pretend to concentrate, squinting my eyes and pushing my tongue into the side of my cheek. 

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu