Chapter Fifteen

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I throw my head back against the sofa and let out a loud sigh as my mind drowns in thoughts of Harry. I trace the swirling pattern stitched into the couch as images of him run circles in my mind. If only there was some way to make the time move faster.

It's been a week since I've seen him last, and each day has moved as quick as mud. I've tried to pass the time with finding more house work to do and making sure Grandfather has everything he needs, but all I've been able to accomplish is rehanging the curtains without killing myself and getting completely and totally lost in my memory of dancing in Harry's arms.

To make matters worse, there is absolutely nothing to do today. It's cold and dreary out, and the house is utterly empty. Gran left to go to tea at Mrs. Taylor's, Uncle Ben's at work and Grandfather has locked himself in the study. My only company is the steady ticking of the mahogany grandfather clock.

I let out another little huff, this time focusing my breath on pushing a small clump of hair from my face. I'm so bored that I'll do anything to pass the time. I even contemplate bothering Grandfather for some conversation, but throw my suicidal plan out the window when I hear someone walking through the door. 

Curiously, I stand and move my way across the large sitting room, the small heel of my saddle shoes echoing throughout the extravagant and empty space. When I reach the hallway, I see Uncle Ben placing his hat on the coat rack by the front entry.

"Uncle Ben," I call to him, "What are you doing back so early in the day?"

"Hello there, Hazel," he replies, a little out of breath. He dusts off his jacket lightly, small drops of rain water shaking to the floor. 

"Little bit of paperwork trouble, that's all. Come to check on your grandfather, see if he's up for a little check in," he says. 

Uncle Ben and Grandfather seem to get along very well together. Both quiet men, dedicated to their work- it must be hard for him to see his father slowly ailing. Luckily, today doesn't seem like one of those days.

"I bet he would be up for it. He's been up and in his study reading for most of the day," I say.

"Marvelous," he exclaims. "I'll just go check on him now." 

I turn back towards the living room when I hear, Uncle Ben stammer, "You know, Hazel." 

I spin around to seem him scratch his temple lightly looking down at the ground. 

"The radio factory is no Buckingham Palace, but perhaps you might like to join us for a little visit?"

The wooden floors creak slightly as he shifts his weight between his leg and the cane he's been using as of this last week.

"Oh," I gasp, "I'd love to!" 

 I'm not only excited to get out of the house, but to finally see the family business.

"I wouldn't be too much of a bother?" I ask.

"Nonsense. I can have Harry show you around a little while I talk things over with your Grandfather in the office. He isn't too busy today."

Excitement floods my veins as my pulse picks up speed.  

"If you want to go grab your coat, I won't be a minute to get your Grandfather," Uncle Ben continues, "You can wait out in the car and have my driver start the engine."

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now