Chapter 16

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Before long, Louis takes the car off the main road, turning down a winding road. We come to a slow as we approach a set of large, black, iron gates. Two men are stationed on either side and nod as Louis honks the horn twice. The gates swing open and the car continues down the road towards several large brick buildings.

"Here we are Hazel," Uncle Ben explains as my mouth hangs open slightly. Before me is a courtyard created by several brick buildings. 

"That there is the main factory," Grandfather points stiffly out the car window at the tallest of buildings. There are windows evenly spaced on each floor and a black smoke stack that reaches towards the sky. He then points to a smaller building, the size of a tiny house, "And that there is my office."

I'm surprised Grandfather has spoken to me, let alone in a pleasant voice. 

"It's very impressive, Grandfather," I reply honestly as I continue to gape out of the window.

Louis pulls the car in front of Grandfather's office. The wheels give a little squeal as they come to a complete stop and the purr of the engine settles into a hiss. 

"Hazel, go ahead and wait just a minute. Don't want you catching a cold waiting out here."

"Louis," Uncle Ben says. "Could you find Harry for me. I want him to give Hazel here a little tour of the factory while Mr. Williams and I catch up on a few business details." 

My cheeks heat with anticipation.

"Certainly, Mr. Williams," Louis nods. As Uncle Ben and Grandfather make their way into the office, Louis looks back at me with a smirk. He knows.

I close my eyes a little trying to calm my nerves, but I can't take sitting still. I swing open the door and jump out of the car. The cold air hits my lungs as I take in a deep breath. Hugging myself from the dampening cold mist, I gaze up at the factory in front of me and around the courtyard. Workers bustle about carrying different types of machinery and make conversation as they tread in and out of different buildings. I lean against the slick car, arms folded, as I people watch and wait for Louis to return.

"Excuse me, but please do not lean on that car!" a brittle young woman's voice commands me.

Startled, I turn around to see Kitty with a deep scowl flanked by two equally annoyed young women. I could not forget Kitty even if I tried. She's every man's definition of beautiful and I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Her dark brown locks are pulled professionally back into perfect curls, her lips the same crimson from before. She's dressed for work but already looks ten times better than I do.

"Hello," she repeats, waves her hand out in utter disgust, "I said off." Her sour attitude shakes me from my jealous thoughts.

"Oh, sorry," I stammer, not really knowing what to say. She stands there, her perfectly polished hand on her small hip, glaring at me.

Kitty's eyes rake over my body, obviously trying to place where she's seen me before. 

After a short pause, she purses her lips and says, "You were at Moonlight, weren't you." Her statement is an accusation, her toes tap waiting for my guilty admission.

"Yes," I reply tentatively.

"What are you here for? Looking for a job?" Another accusation.

Before I can respond, Louis' voice calls out, "Oi, Kitty. Put the claws away." I turn around completely relieved to see Louis walking up, although slightly disappointed when I see he is alone.

"There are no claws out of any sort," she replies cooly, her dark red lips pressed into a thin smile. She straightens her stance and tucks her chin down as her chest pushes out. My eyes narrow at her as I feel Louis come up beside me.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now