Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Harry's P.O.V

"Alright," Niall says, yanking his keys out of the ignition, "Out with ya." 

"What a pal," I laugh.  

"Look here lad," he grins, "I've driven you all over kingdom come, and after your snoring last night, I'm in desperate need of a proper bed and a good sleep."

"My snoring?" I exclaim. "How's about us having to sleep in this beat up jalopy last night?"

"Oi, that one is on both of us," he points out. "I didn't hear you chomping at the bit to get out of there when Lucy invited us to stay the night."

"True, but I'm not the one who failed to mention to your cousin that we still needed a place to stay the next night."

"Yeah, well, I couldn't think of a better lie on Friday night." Niall winces slightly and cracks his neck, grumbling, "Sorry about that. "

"Eh." I rub my jaw, fighting the downright giddiness I feel coming out as a smile on my face. "Could've been worse, right?" 

"S'pose so." A huge grin stretches across his face. "But you know me, I don't mind a bit of trouble."

I laugh into my hands and run them through my matted hair.  Between running around in the snow and sleeping in the car last night, I look like a proper mess. But dog gone it, if that damn girl doesn't make me feel like a million bucks. 

"You figure we're headed straight to hell?" I ask. Niall scoffs at the question.  

"Was there ever any doubt?"

I shake my head laughing as I yank open the rusty door and step out into the afternoon chill.

"I'll see you at work tomorrow?" I ask. Niall nods, starting up the engine again.

"You feel like going to see Liam at the theatre afterwards? Bet Louis' already planning on being there. You know he's always looking for a night out."

"Maybe, I dunno." I reply tentatively. "I'll let you know after work." I  turn to walk up to the house when I hear Niall shout out the window.

"Hey, Harry!"


"Don't be afraid of some good trouble!" he says, grinning. "Only the good die young!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I chuckle.  I roll my eyes and wave him off, watching as he peels out of the muddy drive and out onto the road. 

I take a moment before making my way up to the house. I close my eyes and breathe in the cold and bitter air.  Electricity prickles in my aching chest and I can't take it. I sink like heap of potatoes and lay back in the snow just as I did with her yesterday. 

The grey sky hangs above me, but all I see and feel and hear is Hazel- the intoxicating sound of my name on her parted lips just before I kissed her, the cautious touch of her fingers tracing my chest, the smell of her perfume hidden in the spot just below her jaw...

"Christ," I breathe out, blinking a couple of times as I try to get ahold of myself. I feel so unfocused and yet, I've never felt so clear headed about anything. 

I'm gonna marry that girl.

"What in the devil are you doing?"

"Nothing," I huff at the sound of Gemma's voice. I open my eyes to see her hovering over me, her hands full with a basket of goods from the market.

"Harry, you're laying in the snow like you've been hit by a truck," she says, before asking, "You aren't injured or somethin' right?"

"No." I say gruffly, pulling myself up and marching up to the front door.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now