Chapter Sixty-Five

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Hazel's P.O.V

In the final days leading up to Christmas, my communication with Harry shifted. Besides the one night now over a week ago, I haven't had a chance to see him. And, a tad worrisome, his letters have fallen on the shorter side.

But I push my worry to the side, focusing instead on the thrill of traveling to London. Uncle Ben has invited Harry along so he can mingle amongst the Williams' associates and business friends, so three of us will be traveling together and staying at a hotel near Jack's. I've never stayed in a hotel before, and I'm just about busting at the seams with excitement.

"Have you got all your new things packed away?" Gran asks, entering my bedroom.

"Gran you're supposed to be in bed!"

"Pish posh, I can make it down the hall. I'm not a complete invalid."

I snap shut the lock on my suitcase. It's significantly more full than when I arrived now that Gran's practically forced a whole new wardrobe on me.

"Promise it is okay that you'll be on your own with Grandfather?" I ask, my voice laced with worry.

"I won't go dancing around the halls and Im sure Margaret can handle your Grandfather for just a few days. Besides, this is your chance to really meet with some folks from society."

The memory of Grandfather's business dinner sends my stomach into a lurch.

"Aw, my sweet," she cups my face in her hands, "You will do just fine. Plus, you're going to look like a million bucks. I wouldn't be surprised if you came home with someone quite sweet on you. Or better yet, imagine a husband!" she practically squeals.

My cheeks redden, knowing she'd be partially right about finding someone to be sweet on. As for the husband part, I could only imagine-

"Oh goodness me, I've gone and embarrassed you again. I know, I know," she holds her hands up, "no boys."

"Well-" I start to say, wondering if there is some way I could prepare her for the thought of Harry.

"Hazel, you about ready?" Uncle Ben calls from downstairs.


I grab my suitcase and help Gran back to bed. Once she's settled against the pillows, I give her a kiss goodbye and promise her I will do my best to represent her at Jack's party.

I rush downstairs, and there waiting for me with his own bag, is my lovely Harry.

"Louis has the car warmed and ready for us," Uncle Ben says.

"Marvelous," I say, unable to control my smile.

"Here, let me help you with that," Harry says quietly, stepping forward to grab my suitcase from me.

"Oh, why thank you," I say with a grin. Too big of a grin. Uncle Ben stares at me and then Harry, and then with the shake of his head, shuffles out the door. Harry gives me a small smile before turning around and heading after Uncle Ben. I follow suite, wondering if something is on his mind, but chalk it up to nerves about being around Uncle Ben.

Louis drives us to the train station and after sharing a few Merry Christmas wishes with him, we head on board and settle into a private room Uncle Ben has booked for us.

"Good gosh, I'm so terribly excited," I say to both men to break the awkward silence once we've all settled in.

Harry, who sits beside me, looks over with a timid smile, but doesn't mention anything.

I wonder how he feels about missing Christmas with his family? Perhaps he isn't excited to be here at all...

"It really is an honor to be invited," Harry says to Uncle Ben, disrupting my thoughts. "I really appreciate all the opportunities you've so readily afforded me."

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now