Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Creaking open the door, I pop my head in to see my wonderful Harry alone at his desk, his gaze glued to the paperwork in front of him. Thick glasses rest on the edge of his nose while his head rests against his hand, his concentration overwhelmingly handsome.

"Yes?" He asks flatly without looking up.

"So this is the party you've traded my window in for?" I playfully call out.

Harry's looks up quickly, his surprised expression turning into a wide smile, but his fast movement causes his elbow to slip off the desk. He jerks forward in his seat, catching himself as his hands brace against the wooden desk.

I laugh loudly as his eyes go wide and first time a little bit of red flares in his own cheeks.

"Oh, Hazel," he says casually as if I somehow missed his little slip. "I, um, I didn't see you there." Harry pinches the bridge of his nose as I barely hold back my laughter, his eyes squinting in his embarrassment.

"You alright, darling?" I ask him gently with an uncontrollable smile on my face. His eyes open slowly, but when he drops his hand down, it reveals a beautiful grin.

Harry looks down with a little chuckle and replies softly, "Yes, I'm alright." When he looks up again, his charming personality shinning through his crooked smile, my heart swells. He's so sweet.

God, I think I love him.

Before I can get too swept up in my own thoughts, Harry asks, "So what brings you around these parts, then? Grandfather bring you along for a check-in?"

Still clutching the papers against my chest, I slowly begin to walk up to his desk. "Actually," I reply, "no Grandfather this time."

Harry cocks an eyebrow at me. "So your Nan take you then?"

I shake my head. "Just me," I say softly as I reach his desk.

Harry leans forward on his elbows, his wide hand rubbing over his jaw and mouth, a move I know he does when he's trying to hide a big smile.

"Well how do you like that?" he asks as he drops his hands in front of him. "To what do I owe the pleasure, then?"

"I've come to give you a present," I smile, holding out the papers for him.

"You mean in addition to you?" He asks coyly, his smile turning into a proud little smirk. 

"Yea, yea, yea, I'm a regular national treasure," I reply sarcastically. He lets out a little cackle, the kind that makes it impossible to not laugh along with him.

As Harry stands up, my heart nearly skips a beat. There's this magnetism about him that seems to radiate off every inch of his body. It makes my entire being crave him. With a little grin, he walks up slowly to me, stopping only when he's a few inches away. I lean back against the desk a little as his height emphasizes the power he has over me.

"So what's this present?" he asks gently, the light in his eyes making me weak in the knees.

I tilt the papers away from me and against his chest, playfully pushing him away from me as our eyes lock. "Just these," I smile.

Harry doesn't look at them as he takes the envelopes in his hands. "Well thank you," he lightly laughs, the warm and deep quality of it tickling my soul.

I challenge his stare with my own coy smile, folding my arms against my body. Harry playfully smirks before turning around and walking towards a filing cabinet. His step pauses for a second, however, as he asks, "Um, Hazel, did you happen to take a look at these?"

"No," I reply. It hadn't even occurred to me. "Why, something the matter?"

"Oh, no." He replies. I can't see his face with his back turned to me, but there's something to his tone that sparks the tiniest of worries.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now