Chapter Twenty-Six

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Harry's P.O.V

Hazel and I continue quietly on our walk together. The conversation has stilled, but it's mostly because my brain won't stop yelling at me.

What if this is a terrible idea? I mean I occasionally would hang out there with the guys when we were kids, but for the most part, it's been my own quiet spot; a place I could go to when I needed to be away from the world. It's nothing special, and in fact, with every step forward, I realize how strange she may think I am. 

Bollocks, this was rotten idea.

My tight muscles seem to buzz from the rising anxiety in my stomach, and I can tell my shoulders have involuntarily risen. 

Great, I probably look like some kind of scarecrow stuck on a post, I sigh to myself, running my hand through my hair as I try to settle my brain.

I peer over at Hazel, wondering if she's caught on to what a nervous twit I am, but she doesn't seem to have a clue. In fact, I think she's a little too happy.

A clear pace ahead, Hazel tugs me forward even though she has absolutely no idea where we are going. I chuckle a little at how adorable she is. I have half the mind to just let her get us lost- Especially if that means I can spend more time with her.

"Hazel," I half laugh. "You've got to stop that." 

"Stop what?" she asks, turning her pretty face up at me. 

"You're way too excited." 

Hazel doesn't reply. Or at least, not with her words. Her face, though, is a clear indication of how she's feeling- her nose scrunches while her eyebrows furrow, and a stillness turns her smile into a slight frown. Her confused, and probably a little bit annoyed, reaction, however, gives me a glimpse into the past. The image of a young, sweet, and yet perturbed Hazel crosses my mind and I can't help but smile. Damn, she's cute. 

Wait, stay focused, Harry.

"What?" Hazel asks, echoing my own trailing thoughts.

"It's just.." I run my hand through my hair, trying to tug my mind back into focus. "It just isn't all that interesting." Hazel rolls her eyes coyly at my lame excuse.

"Well you're the one making it a great, big, secret surprise," she calls me out. 

Her eyes sparkle with excitement as she lightly bites her lower lip in an absent-minded, yet incredibly seductive smile. God, I hate it when she does that. All I can think about is how badly I crave the sweet sensation of her mouth on mine.

"You could just tell me," she continues as she walks forward, pulling me from my deviously spiraling thoughts.

"Ah, but where's the fun in that?" I grin at her.

"Fine, torment me if you must," Hazel groans and tosses her head back in exasperation causing her blue hat to fall from her head. 

"Oh!" she squeals making me crack up once again as she clumsily tries to catch it before it hits the ground. This girl can't seem to handle her own self and it's just about the funniest thing I've ever seen. 

"Is not knowing something really all that bad?" I laugh, standing back and admiring how beautiful she looks as she collects herself. 

"I hate it," Her head bobs a little as she punches the word hate. 

"Well then," I take a step towards her, chuckling at her flirty behavior. "I guess I'll just have to tell you."


No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora