Chapter Sixty-Two

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Hazel's POV

For the next few days, I find myself busier than ever. Between going back and forth from the hospital, making sure Gran is as comfortable as possible, and avoiding Jack at all costs, I haven't managed to send a reply to Harry let alone escape to our place. The thought that Harry could think of any spot as a place we share together somehow sends my heart packing to the moon. 

"I've just heard from the doctor," Grandfather says, waking me from my daydreams of Harry. He walks slowly on his cane and takes his place at the head of the table for breakfast.

"What's the news?" I ask.

"She's to come home today and rest up before her surgery."

"Well, this is grand news," Jack replies. 

"I'm not sure if surgery qualifies as grand," I mutter. Grandfather raises a single eyebrow at me, but he doesn't disagree, at least out loud that is.

"Yes, well, it'll certainly make things feel right again having her back for at least a short while."

"Mr. Williams," Jack says, "I do worry that I'm an imposition at this time." 

You are, I think to myself. I do a double take around the table to make sure I haven't said that out loud. 

"It really is no trouble at all for me to stay at a nearby estate," Jack continues. 

"Nonsense," Uncle Ben asserts. I stab my eggs in a huff of disappointment. "You've been nothing but an asset at this time. Your understanding of labor efficiencies and your insight into our..." Uncle Ben pauses to search for his words, "shared interests... have been extremely helpful."

"Most certainly," Grandfather agrees. "By the way, did your assistant ever turn up, Ben? I'm sure he could learn a lot from our Mr. Westwood."

My ears heat up at the mention of Harry. Jack and I make eye contact, and I instantly look away before his knowing grin gives me away.

"Oh yes," Uncle Ben replies. "The poor lad was off taking care of family."

"Not that father of his I hope," Grandfather guffaws.

"Oh?" Jack asks and I feel my pulse rise. "An interesting character, I assume?"

"Town drunk." Grandfather answers flatly before wiping his mouth and dropping his napkin on his plate. I flinch.

"Has he been of good use to you these past few days?" Uncle Ben shifts in his chair to face Jack more easily. "I quite like the young lad. He's got a quick wit about him and learns fast."

My eyes carefully study Jack. He pauses to finish chewing, but I have half the mind to think he's strategizing.

"I must say," Jack begins, "he makes a fine laborer."

He flashes me a devilish smile that makes my blood boil. I know all too well what he's trying to imply with his word choice. As I narrow my eyes on Jack, Grandfather and Uncle Ben chatter on about work. Jack seemingly follows along, but with a tiny subtle tap on his cheeks, and I know he's mocking my reddening face. 

"Right, then," I jerk upright, unable to sit here with him any longer. "I ought to get a head start on making sure everything's done properly for Gran. May I clear your dishes?"

"Yes, thank you, Hazel," Grandfather replies, cautiously examining my abrupt behavior. "Ben, Mr Westwood, would you be so kind to join me in the study? I need to review a few things with you before you head to the factory."

As much as I want out of the room and away from Jack, I can't help but feel like there's something going on. I carefully eye the men as they meander into the hallway and eventually disappear into Grandfather's study. I chalk my paranoia up to my frayed mindset and decide that they only way I will get through this day is if I simply focus on the task ahead of me. 

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu