Bumblebee x reader

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Word count: 1100

~ the beginning~

~Y/n's pov~

I felt really good about being free from captivity. I recently got out of jail and I drove around free around Cybertron. After following the rules for a but I decided to get reckless again. I went super fast in the roads of Cybertron but my fun was cut short when I heard sirens behind me. Then I saw my friend Sideswipe zooming around the Optimus Statue. I drove to where he was and drove next to him. He knew I had the cops on me so we decided to have a chase. As he went left I went right. The blue cop went after Sideswipe and the black and yellow cop, Bumblebee which I knew very well since he caught me a lot, went after me. I saw that the cop chasing me cut me off and stopped me. I tried running away but he caught me and put me in stasis cuffs.

"Your coming with m-....." he paused for a bit and then he spoke up again. "Optimus?" He ran toward the bridge while dragging me with him. He looked at the water and looked at the museum. I saw that Sideswipe crashed into the Optimus statue and the blue cop also caught him and put him in stasis cuffs. Then the statue fell over and towards me and Bumblebee. I pushed him out of the way from the statue before the statue fell on us. When I opened my eyes I saw that I was on top of Bumblebee and I blushed a light blue and got off of him. He ran towards the museum while dragging me with him. Then he went towards a space bridge. "Earth?" He asked to himself softly.

"Look this has been fun and all but can you just take me in now?" I asked him. He glared at me. The blue cop and Sideswipe came in the to see what was going on. Then we heard guards so Bumblebee asked me to create a distraction for with him for Sideswipe to get the bridge working. As we created a distraction, Sideswipe got the bridge working and Bumblebee went into the portal forgetting that he was dragging me along. Then the blue cop came through while dragging Sideswipe.

"Strongarm go back through! The space bridge is gonna close and-"

"Sir I'm with you" she explained. Then he shot the stasis cuffs off of Sideswipe.

"Move it Sideswipe!" He yelled

"And go back to Cybertron? Forget that and forget you two. See you around y/n" Sideswipe said before running off. The space bridge closed and Bumblebee sighed.

"And I'm stranded on Earth with three teenagers" he stated.

"Can you let me go now?" I asked.

"No. Your staying with me" He said.

"Bumblebee if you wanted me to stay with you all you had to do was ask" I said with a wink. He blushed a light but noticeable blue and then the three of us went to find Sideswipe.

~the present~

Today I had a solo mission. Since Strongarm had one so I asked for one and Bumblebee agreed to it. I drove 700 miles to the country and when I got there I found nothing. I groaned and then I heard footsteps coming towards me. I hid behind a rock and when it got closer I tripped him and held him down.

"Bee?" I asked.

"Uh. Ha. Heyyy y/n. What a coincidence of seeing you here" he chuckled nervously. I just gave him a blank stare. "Ugh okay I was following you just in case you were in trouble"

"Well you shouldn't have because there's nothing here at all" I said while standing up. I held out my servo to help him up and he took it. He held my servo and squeezed it slightly. I looked away from his optics and he looked at me and I felt his digits lift my chin a bit so I could look at him. He leaned in and I leaned in as w-

"Y/n report in please" Fixit said while interrupting us.

"There's nothing here. It was a false alarm I'm heading back now" I sighed. I started to walk away but I stopped because I saw Bumblebee just standing there looking disappointed. "You coming?"

"Yeah I'm right behind you" he said with a sad smile. I transformed and drive back to the scrapyard with Bumblebee behind me.

~time skip~

We arrived back to the scrapyard and I saw that Bumblebee went straight to the wall of the scrapyard and sat there. I followed him and I sat up there with him.

"Hi" I smiled at him as I greeted him

"Hey y/n" he said with a smile as well.

"Why did you follow me today? I could've handled it"

"I know you could but.." he paused


"I worry about you a lot. Ever since I cuffed you and dragged you here I feel like your my responsibility and that I should protect you"

"Bee I always know what I'm doing. Why do you think I got in trouble with the law a lot?" I giggled.

"You and Sideswipe make quite a pair with your pranks and mischief" he laughed.

"Yeah we've been friends for a while. Got in trouble a lot"

"I can imagine"

"You miss your old team?" I asked

"Yeah I do. It was a great team. Did I ever told you that I stabbed Megatron?"

"I heard rumors but I didn't think it was actually true"

"Why? You couldn't think I had the spark to hurt anyone like that?"

"I didn't think you had it in you. You seem so kind and you always knew how to make sure everyone is happy and okay with everything" I scooted closer to him and I used my digits to make his face look at me. "And your a good leader" I placed my lips on his and he quickly followed. He pulled away and smiled at me. I rested my helm on his shoulder and I felt his arm wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him and we watched the sun go down until it went down.

Hey guys ik it's been a fat while but here I am! I'm starting school soon and I'm so scared to be a junior. I hope I come up with more plots do I could write it faster! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to follow, vote, or check out my other books. Also side note. REQUESTS ARE CLOSED.

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