Sideswipe x fem!reader

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Y/n's pov~

I finished the race- I mean training exercise in first. Behind me was Strongarm and Sideswipe fighting about who was first.

"You both are wrong!" I laughed. They both looked at me in shock.

"You cheated!" Sideswipe said.

"No she didn't. You were too slow." Strongarm smirked. Sideswipe was about to wrestle her but I held him back.

"Come on pretty bot, go see what Russel is doing." I suggested but instead Fixit called all of us over. When we did, he informed us of a decepticon who is under the sea looking for a ship. We decided to take the ground bridge.

"All right autobots! We came across a bridge, let's cross it!" Bumblebee announced. Everyone just either cringed or just stared at him with a straight expression. "It's an earth saying!"

"You might want to stick to the rallying cries sir." Strongarm said.

"It was a rallying cry but- oh forget it." He gave up walked to through the bridge. We all went through it and when we came out, we were under water. We saw the decepticon trying to enter the ship and Strongarm went up trying to talk to him but we couldn't understand a word at all. After that, we were inside driving trying to head for the front of the ship but the con found out to handle the ship's defense system. He was closing doors on us and we were going fast as we can. Bee, Strongarm, and Grimlock went to the left. Drift, Sideswipe, and I were forced to go right. We all transformed back to bipedal mode to try to stop ourselves from hitting the wall in front of us. The wall was starting to close on the other side and Drift tried to have Jetstorm and Slipstream go on the other side but they were to late and hit the wall. I rushed over to them to see if they were alright.

"You two okay?" I asked.

"Yes we are quite fine. Thank you for showing your concern y/n." Slipstream said. They both bowed in front of me.

"Uh hey! I hit the wall too!" Sideswipe exclaimed. I turned to him and raised an optic ridge.

"Awe do you want my attention too?" I asked sweetly. He crossed his arms and looked the other way.

"Bumblebee come in. Drift, Sideswipe and I are trapped but we're fine." I commed Bee but I couldn't understand him on the other end. I groaned and shook my head. "I couldn't hear him at all but hopefully he heard me." Sideswipe turned around to the wall and started to slash it with his sword.

"That isn't going to work." Drift said as he started to sit down. His students sat down shortly after he did.

"Uh what are you doing?" I asked.

"Meditating." He took a calm pose and closed his optics. Sideswiped turned around and saw them.

"How is that supposed to help us get out of here?!" Sideswipe asked.

"Solutions to the most troubling- Jetstorm! Do not fidget." Drift said.

"Humble apologies, master." Jetstorm said. Drift continued.

"Solutions to the most troubling problems come to the- Slipstream!" He shouted.

"Most sorry master." Slipstream said.

"Solutions to the most troubling problems come to the calmed mind." Drift finished. Sideswipe rolled his optics and sighed. He too took a meditation pose. I also gave in and sat next to him. As soon as I closed my optics I felt a digit poke my side causing me to yelp. I opened them to see Sideswipe laughing at me.

"Sideswipe!" Dift yelled. Sideswipe was in shock and apologized.

~small time skip~

We sat there for a little while until we heard an alarm go off. Bumblebee and Grimlock was able to find us and set us free. We found Strongarm on the way and we were now running to find a way out.

"Strongarm, Sideswipe, y/n; help Grimlock." Bumblebee said.

"No need. I can handle it." Grimlock strained.

"You look like you handled enough." Sideswipe said.

"You don't always have to do the heavy lifting Grim." Strongarm said.

"We're a team till the end." I smiled at him before taking ahold of the con.

~small time skip~

After that we were ground bridged back to the scrapyard. Fixit started to patch up Grim, Strongarm went on patrol, and Denny was busy drying off his stuff. I was sitting down, polishing off my weapon when I heard footsteps next to me. I turn and look up to see Sideswipe there.

"Hey." He said while taking a position where he was leaning on the shelf and crossed his arms.

"Hi." I smiled at him.

"For the record. Earlier when you asked if I wanted your attention?"

"Mhm what about it?" I asked.

"Well I kinda did." He mumbled and looked the other way. I chuckled and stood up. I walked to stand in front of him and I could see the light blue blush on his faceplate.

"Well now you got it." I giggled. He still had his tough act persona activated so I decided to play by his game. "My you wound my spark Sideswipe. Here I am giving you attention and you're ignoring me. I might was well take me leave." I joked. I turned and started to walk away until I felt his servo stop me.

"Hey wait now come on I was only joking."

"Heh so was I." I turned to look at him.

"That's not fair." He exclaimed. I laughed at his reaction.

"You're too cute." I said. I stood right in front of him and grabbed his neck to pull him down to my height since he was taller than me. I kissed his mouth sweetly. I pulled away shortly to see him frozen. "If you ever need my attention Sideswipe, just ask." I kissed his cheek plate before letting him go. He smirked at me.

"I'll ask you often then, sweetspark." He winked.

Omg I finally edited this lol. Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote, follow, and/or check out my other stories!

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