Part 17

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_"what is wrong? " okba said coming closer
I didn't reply i wasn't good at finding immediate answers

_" what were you looking at " he said again trying to look behind me
I held the test tightly hiding it more
_" i just didn't feel well " i said trying to fake a smile
Did someone upset you? " he asked wiping the tear on my cheek
_" no.. Not at all i told you i just didn't feel well i guess i am being over sensitive ".
He stood caressing my cheek for a while as if he was expecting me to explain to him
_" i can never know what's on your mind mira, you confuse me but if you ever want to talk i will be here okay? ".

_" okay , i just want to be alone for a while that's it ".
He nodded his head and headed to the door
Before he got out he gave one last look and went out after i smiled to rassure him

He was taking Care of me since the incident making sure that i ate well and that i slept comfortably while he slept on the floor
Sometimes i believe that he might be really interested in me, that maybe he likes me for real
That i must give him another chance..............


It was amina's birthday
Every year they organize a small party where they invite their familly and friends

I spent the morning preparing things along with fatima and amina under my mother in law's remarks and orders
All of them were on me as usual

_" bring the boxes from my room " she ordered me

_" i will take care of it madame,Mira you can go take a rest " said fatima heading to the Stairs

_" no! i said go bring the boxes now " she said firmly looking at me causing fatima to stop on her tracks

We looked at each other for a moment
Before i gave up and did as she said

Her room was large , it was the first time i enter it since i wasn't welcomed in it before

I have to admit that she has a taste
Everything was so classy and beautiful

A bottle of perfume on the table caught my attention, it was wrapped by a fancy black fabric and looked expensive
I picked it up smelling the gorgeous scent

_" mira!...... " i was startled by the sudden voice and that caused me to drop the bottle

Fatima stood there gazing at what i dropped
It was shattered in pieces on the floor

_" oh my god! " she said her hands on her cheek
_" i thought you were her, i didnt mean " i said picking up the broken bottle from the floor

_" let's clean this before she comes back " she joined me

_" what will i do? Is it expensive? " i asked horrified

_" it can't be that expensive, we will buy one before she notices....... Don't worry she has a lot of perfumes ". She said trying to make me feel better

_" oh i am so stupid! Why did i touch her stuff....... Pff ".

After cleaning headed downstairs hoping that she won't notice anything.

_" go change your clothes, the guests will be here in no time and you still look like a beggar......... I don't want people to make fun of my son because of his ill of being married to a girl like you....... Do you hear me " i wanted to react to her words but it wasn't time to deal with her
I was already worried about what happened

In my chamber i opened the closet taking out the dress that i thought it would be suitable for such occasions
It was a red long off the shoulders dress
My aunt bought for me before the wedding

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