part 6

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_" listen " he suddenly stopped and turned around to face me with a serious look on his face

_" what happend that night doesn't mean anything and it will never happen again i promise you , it was my mistake and since we both don't want this marriage i will find away to get us out of this mess you don't have to do anything let's stay like this for a while and then we will divorce and you will be free ".

he said every word calmly , i was expecting him to say something about what i told him earlier but nothing

i felt somehow dissapointed i guess i wanted him to tell me that he will protect me that he believes me but i guess this marriage will never work out maybe he hates me that much

before i could say anything his mother appeared she kept looking back and forth between me and okba surprised to see us together

_ " son! where have you been "

_ " we went for a walk , why ? is there something ? "

_" a walk ? " she raised an eyebrow and dragged her son to the corner

_ " what's the meaning of this ? don't give attention to that dog ! you have to divorce and marry someone that deserves to be your wife ... like amel ! ". She said this as if i was invisible

he looked at me embarrassed by his mom's behavior

_" mom she can hear you ! stop ! " he said while talking her to one the rooms

i could still hear them talking he was trying to calm her and she was talking loudly on purpose so i can hear

i don't know why she hates me that much without even knowing me but it's clear that she wants that girl amel who ever she was as her daughter in law

does okba loves her ? i pushed that question away why would i be curious ? i was so angry at the moment

i walked to my room kicking the door so loud that the whole house must have heard , me ? a dog ? i won't allow any one to treat me like this i will find  a solution soon

i heard the door opening and closing but i didn't turn knowing very well who was it

_" i apologize instead of my mother , she is not always like this ".
I nodded my head and headed to the bathroom to make ablution
He waited until i finsihed and went to take a shower
When he got out i was still praying
I took my Time praying and making duaa
He seemed already asleep so i quietly took some blankets from the closet and disposed them on the floor
He made it clear to me that we will never be husband and wife so it was out of question to sleep on the same bed as him especially  after that night.
I quickly buried my self under the covers even though i was sleeping on the floor but it was more comfortable than sleeping beside him
I heared movements so i peaked out from under the blankets
Okba's shadow was approaching he stood for a momend then came down to my level
_"mira? ".
I pretended to be asleep or to be correct dead because i blocked every breath i have

_" mira?..... Did you sleep?.... ". I ignored him for what seemed like an eternity until he finally gave up, sighed and went back to bed.

Streaks of sunlight tickled my eyes causing me to wake up i opened my eyes slowly and noticed a movement.

Okba fully dressed sitting on the edge of the bed facing me
He was typing something on his phone and as soon as he noticed me he stopped
_"good morning " i said getting up
_" morning...... Did u sleep with your hijab? ".
He said pointing out my scarf
My hand went directly to my head i forgot that i have decided to keep my hijab on even in front of him, we  will be strangers soon anyways
_" yes ". I gave him a short smile and picked up the covers
He kept starring for while before he spoke again
_" it must have been uncomfortable, next time i will sleep on the floor, you sleep on the bed ".
_" no. I am not comfortable there, i like to sleep on the floor you can keep your bed ".
_" uh.... ".
His phone rang, it was a call from work
To avoid further interaction i went to take a shower
When i finished he was already out to work

On breakfast uncle proposed to take me to see their company, my mother in law was against it but he insisted and i wanted to get out of the house so i accepted happily
On the road he kept making jokes, i laughed from my heart he was so different from my dad
So soft and nice
_"dear, if you want or need anything tell me i am always here for you "
_" thank you  unc.... I mean father you already did alot for me ".
_" you are a daughter to me and i want you to be happy, tell me don't you miss your studies?".
_"i would like to go back". I said observing the road
It's true i miss my friends and university
It was my escape before this happened
The place where i could be me freely

_"your wishes are orders, i will make sure you will get back to studying next week incha allah ".
I hugged him instantly and gave him my most joyful smile
_" i can't ask for more! Thank you so much ".
_" anything you want dear ".
We stopped in front of a huge building
Once inside everyone were greeting uncle aissa and showing him respect
The building was so classy everything clean and luxury
We took the elevator to the 5 floor
_" okba's office is on this way " he said guiding me
Arriving, a young secretary greeted us
_" good morning sir. I will tell the young master that you are here ".
_" no need i will tell him myself ".

He gave a quick knock on the door and opened it
Facing us, okba with a blonde who was fixing his necktie
They both were joking and laughing
Its rare to see that expression on his face
When they noticed us they suddenly straightened Their postures their laughs fading.....

Author 's note
Hey guys i am sorry for the delay

I hope you like this chapter
It looks like mira is now deciding her path
Thank you for your support
Let me know on the comments your thoughts

Excuse the mistakes pls

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