Part 14

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His breath was getting closer and closer, he was looking me directly in the eyes
Once his lips touched mine i jumped off my feet, it was a fraction of a second he followed trying to get close again

_" no! Don't touch me, i don't want to ".

He raised his hands as if to show me that he won't touch me

_" it's okay calm down.... I won't do something that you don't want... Trust me " he said softly

_" i can't trust you don't ask me to trust you... This is the last thing i want to do! "

He breathed out and stared at me in such a warm way but it was mixed with hurt

_" i was a bastard that night.... I wasn't a man i know... I don't how i did that and believe me i won't forgive myself" his eyes started to get red

_" let me make it up for you and fix all what i did..... What happend can't be erased but what is coming can be good".

At that moment i understood that he was doing that out of regret
He wasn't interested in me at all but all of this was to make himself feel less guilty

_" forget About what happend, if allah forgives then who am i to not forgive you, but that doesn't mean that i will play the role of your little happy wife
We both know that it's not possible you made it clear from the start ".

_" but... " he tried to object
I raised my hand as a stop sign
_" enough! I am not in the mood for this.... Please let our last days together be peaceful ".

I got out living him in the center of the room unmoving
After minutes he left to the company but i couldn't study or focus after that

I was lost in my thoughts when my mother in law appeared before me

_" let's talk " she said pointing out the living room
I followed her anxious, she never called me to talk
She sat on the sofa calmly and that made me worry even more
_" sit "
I hesitated for a moment
_" i won't bite you mira sit! ".
She said that while she looked ready to do so
I did as she asked
_" ali told me you are helping him with studies ".
_" ah yes " for a moment i thought that she wanted to thank me, but that was far from reality
She looked me up and down before speaking again
_" i know what you are about ".
I did not understand what she meant
_" what are you... ".
_" you are doing this just to stay in this house, but i know very well your type of women..... And i assure you that i will not allow this! "
I got up my whole body trembling
A sarcastic lauph escaping my mouth
_" for a moment i thought you would be nice but you never miss a chance to see me badly huh? ".

ANGER washed all over her face and she sat up raising her hand

_" you witch! You dare to talk to me like that! ".

A masculine hand grabbed her arm
_" mom!! " ali growled

She stepped back shocked by her son's gesture
Deviating the slap from me to him

_" you turbulent child! ".

He putted his hand on his burning cheek his head down

_" you are not the child i raised ".

At that moment he lifted his head up
It was his turn to lauph sarcastically

_" you are right...... I am not the child you raised..    That child was okba your beloved son..... I have been always the one left out... You never asked about how i feel or what i do and you use the first opportunity to say bad things about me to father... ".

His tears started to fall and he was crying while saying all of this
She tried to get closer

_" no.. You are my son and i want you to be the best and help the family with the business... I don't like seeing you like one of those boys in the streets ". She said trying to get hold of his shoulders

He stepped away not allowing her

_" well too late.... You know let me give you a new information to tell to my father...... I am a drug addict! And the fact that you forgot me to the point that you didn't notice means that you never actually cared about me! ".
he said with a cold look that made her freeze in horror

_" you aren't! Stop saying that ".
i speaked out gabbing his arm

_" but i was mira! Let me..... she has to know this ....... I can tolerate if she treats me like nothing but to do it to the only person who helped me most when i needed help... I can't take it... I can't allow her to mistreat you ".

At that moment i couldn't say anything,  those were the nicest  words someone said to me in a while.

Samia sat back in the sofa her hands on her head
Her mind must be blocked on what ali said earlier and that putted her in  a state of shock, i felt pity for her and i wanted to comfort her but as soon as my hand rested on her shoulder she pushed it away sharply.

_" leave! .. Now! ".

Ali dragged me out living a very devastated samia in the living room


We were walking back from the store with ice cream, the sun was setting and the summery air was enough to make us forget what happend earlier
Ali took in a big breath then looked at me with the warmest smile on his face

_" you know.... I am so relieved now
, its like a huge rock is taken out from my back.... I don't have to fake anything now ".

_" i just wish your mom will not expose tell you father.. . ".

I stopped and faced him

_" ali look.... Try not to tell people about that... It's true that god forgives and earses everything when you repent but people never forget what others did....... And your mom is still your mom i am sure she loves as much as she loves okba ".

He nodded his understanding and patted my shoulder

His phone rang, it looked like his friend needed him in something so i had to walk the rest of the road by myself

Every thing was peaceful until a very familiar figure appeared
He was riding the same car as before and as soon as he noticed me he stopped starting with intensity

It was the guy responsible for all of this, the same taxi......


I hope you like this chapter

See you next time

Never Yours : Allah Knows BestOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora